Marketplace Rules
All posters in this forum MUST follow these rules:
1) No commercial* posts in the members section
2) No off topic or derogatory comments in other's threads. You have an opinion on their price? Take it to PM or keep it to yourself.
3) If item is sold, post "SOLD' and mods will lock the thread.
4) GTRC staff do not act as mediators in deals gone bad. Caveat emptor!
5) Use the iTrader feature to give transaction feedback following completion of the sale.
6) No bumping of threads before 5 days from last post.
7) Price must be listed
8 ) Location must be listed
9) No listing for "friends"
10) Strongly recommended you add email if you are not proficient at responding to PMs.
*commerical pertains to individuals or organizations that operate to generate profits from the proceeds of the sale on a large scale. Interpretation is at the discretion of the admin team and is not open to debate.
All posters in this forum MUST follow these rules:
1) No commercial* posts in the members section
2) No off topic or derogatory comments in other's threads. You have an opinion on their price? Take it to PM or keep it to yourself.
3) If item is sold, post "SOLD' and mods will lock the thread.
4) GTRC staff do not act as mediators in deals gone bad. Caveat emptor!
5) Use the iTrader feature to give transaction feedback following completion of the sale.
6) No bumping of threads before 5 days from last post.
7) Price must be listed
8 ) Location must be listed
9) No listing for "friends"
10) Strongly recommended you add email if you are not proficient at responding to PMs.
*commerical pertains to individuals or organizations that operate to generate profits from the proceeds of the sale on a large scale. Interpretation is at the discretion of the admin team and is not open to debate.