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Guess What? :)

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  • Guess What? :)

    Guess what I has? After 6 years of learning, yearning, and earning, I have finally joined the GTR club So here she is.

    1994 Nissan Skyline GTR. She's pretty much stock minus 5Zigen catback exhaust, coilovers (no idea what kind), and a Blitz turbo timer. Front and rear Nismo tower bars.

    She's getting safetied and having the brakes done this week, plus a nice little tune up, and then it's on to the streets! It's been a long wait, but that drive home was the best drive I've ever had. It just made up for me having the worst week of my entire life ahaha
    Originally posted by kengeroo
    that's what I thought when I opened the package..
    ...don't drink and ebay
    '03 Ford Mustang

  • #2
    Gratz man! She looks clean. I know exactly how ya feel, just got mine a month ago and am still loving it despite all the issues that came with it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1989 R32 Skyline GTR SOLD!!!!

    The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.
    -Bruce Lee


    • #3
      Time to hit some meets this summer, she looks beautiful, congrats
      '12 Kia Forte - Winter/Summer car
      '91 Skyline GTR - Weekend Fun/Project car


      • #4
        nice! white r32 gtrs are cool!

        missing a right nismo spat?
        Toy: BNR32
        DD: R50


        • #5
          I jelly man but it looks amazing! will you be doing a build (thread)?


          • #6
            I know exactly how long he's been waiting, and how he feels now. Quite the week for him and struggle to get all of the stars to align but it happened!!! Hopefully I can follow suit soon too... Lol damn build
            Victory is on the horizon..


            • #7
              Congrats Adam, I'm really happy for you buddy. Can't wait to see you and the new car in person!
              1989 R32 GTS-t (Sold)


              • #8
                congrats man...lovin the white! Enjoy the ride!
                gtr garage queen...anybody seen my wallet?


                • #9
                  Great...Another white one. haha just playin man, glad you finally got your baby! Hope everyday with her is a blast!
                  Heart rate 160, I'm goin 260, RB26 run me past you in a jiffy


                  O O SKYLINE O O


                  • #10
                    nice ride - hope you bring it to the cruise on the 10th , id like to see it in person


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys And I just noticed that as well, Mark. It is apparently missing a Nismo spat on the driver's side :S Anyone have a right one handy? Ahaha, goddammit...

                      Other than that she runs great! Just time for brakes and a tune up for now, then I'll just be driving her and having some fun. You can expect a build thread from me eventually, but she'll be staying as-is for a little while

                      Paul, she'll definitely be with me on the 10th! Wouldn't miss it for the world

                      It's been possibly the shittiest week of my entire life. Girlfriend up and left me out of the blue on our anniversary, work has been horrible lately, and just overall everything's been going wrong. But then today came and driving it home made up for everything. It felt absolutely surreal and I had to keep telling myself that I have a GTR now. She has a few flaws here and there cosmetically, but it's factory original paint haha.
                      So a few touch ups here and there, maybe some light mods for now. She's hidden away for a week until brakes/safety get done, but then I'll be driving it as much as possible
                      Originally posted by kengeroo
                      that's what I thought when I opened the package..
                      ...don't drink and ebay
                      '03 Ford Mustang


                      • #12
                        Car looks great, congrats!

                        It was about 10 long years before things fell into place and I finally got my GT-R, I know exactly how you feel! I've owned my car for almost 5 months and it still feels surreal, and I can't believe I own the one car I always kept coming back to!
                        » 1990 - Nissan Skyline GT-R (weekend warrior)


                        • #13
                          Congratz, thats a mighty nice Suzuki Samurai you've got. Trollolol jk, nice gt-r, clean as hell. Gotta love white, til it gets dirty.
                          Double track drift, yo.

                          (oo sκylιnε oo)


                          • #14
                            Congrats dude!! Been a long time coming eh? Stop by the ex's, give the car a few revs, and she'll come back


                            • #15
                              Sooo long. It's wonderful to finally have it Ahaha! I probably should just to be all "Lulz, I has new moneypit now!" and then drive away
                              Originally posted by kengeroo
                              that's what I thought when I opened the package..
                              ...don't drink and ebay
                              '03 Ford Mustang

