Looking at a new flywheel for my build. Looking at putting down between 500-600hp, what flywheel would be my best bang for buck. Looking through some on ebay, some brands i've never heard of, any imput would be gread
JC Project
Nismo breaks the bank
The exedy is just for lightly modded applications apparently
What you guys think? Not finding much for big power build reviews on these things. What would be most reliable.
I like the fidanza since you can get replacement faces , should only ever have to buy one flywheel. Just don't know how it will hold up in high powered application.
Thanks Brian
JC Project
Nismo breaks the bank
The exedy is just for lightly modded applications apparently
What you guys think? Not finding much for big power build reviews on these things. What would be most reliable.
I like the fidanza since you can get replacement faces , should only ever have to buy one flywheel. Just don't know how it will hold up in high powered application.
Thanks Brian