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how do ecu's and boost controllers work?

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  • how do ecu's and boost controllers work?

    how do they work, is it worth it to get/replace either? thanks!

  • #2
    Call me an a-hole but honestly this should be Googled before posted. Sorry, stop trolling.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    • #3
      oh, sorry I wasn't sure if this has been asked before and honestly I wasn't trolling


      • #4
        Check out lots of cool information there.
        1989 R32 GTS-t (Sold)


        • #5
          Originally posted by nimblestix View Post
          Call me an a-hole but honestly this should be Googled before posted. Sorry, stop trolling.

          Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
          I agree with the ahole on this one.
          Double track drift, yo.

          (oo sκylιnε oo)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sri-LanKING View Post
            how do they work, is it worth it to get/replace either? thanks!
            Explaining how an ECU works would take pages, so buy this book and similar books -

            Engine Management: Advanced Tuning [Banish, Greg] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Engine Management: Advanced Tuning

            Should help you to understand the basics of how a ECU, sensors, etc works. Then there's computer code which is alot more complex.

            Stock ECU is worth retuning (Nistune) or replacing with an aftermarket ECU (depends on your budget) when adding mods like intake, exhaust, etc due to those mods affect how much ignition timing, fuel a engine needs.

            With boost controllers, read boost controller manuals, as it explains how they work. Also you have to understand how a wastegate works. That's both internal, external wastegates. More advanced boost controllers (more expensive) can do the basics of most boost controllers + adjust boost level based on rpm, throttle position, gear, drop boost level if car wheelspins, etc.

            Boost controller is worth it if want to reach full boost quicker or the opposite, drop boost level (to wastegate spring pressure) or raise boost level, helps to get rid of boost spikes, improves acceleration, reduce wheelspin (more expensive boost controller), etc.

            The most epic signature ever "epic".


            • #7
              Thanks skym, helpful for me too, google sucks


              • #8
                haha I've learned over the years google doesn't suck you just have to know how to ask it lol.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BrianV8 View Post
                  haha I've learned over the years google doesn't suck you just have to know how to ask it lol.
                  agreed. Generation Y is now fading to generation laZy.

                  Search first then narrow down your curiousity to a more specific question.
                  Asking how an ecu and boost controller work and why you need them is like asking how a human body works and why it needs food and water to survive. There is no "quick" answer.

                  Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

