Looking for some input on an issue I am having with my 94 gtr.
Last summer my car idled fine, the occasional little miss every 30 or so seconds that is always found with aging coilpacks (from what I have seen/read).
Now at the beginning of this summer my car would idle high at 1100rpm no matter what. Then one day it now idles normally around 950rpm. However the whole car feels like it is rumbling a bit. It's not bad like it's missing a cylinder, but it is there, almost sounds like a mild cam.
Pictures of idle rpm, vacuum on stock gauge and an aftermarket gauge as well. I thought the vacuum looks a bit low. Airleak? I could swear my gauge used to read lower negative vacuum, near where the red line is on the a/m gauge.

Video here you can see my shift knob moving slightly, gives you an idea of what you can feel throughout the car. Also can hear exhaust.
Looking for some input on an issue I am having with my 94 gtr.
Last summer my car idled fine, the occasional little miss every 30 or so seconds that is always found with aging coilpacks (from what I have seen/read).
Now at the beginning of this summer my car would idle high at 1100rpm no matter what. Then one day it now idles normally around 950rpm. However the whole car feels like it is rumbling a bit. It's not bad like it's missing a cylinder, but it is there, almost sounds like a mild cam.
Pictures of idle rpm, vacuum on stock gauge and an aftermarket gauge as well. I thought the vacuum looks a bit low. Airleak? I could swear my gauge used to read lower negative vacuum, near where the red line is on the a/m gauge.

Video here you can see my shift knob moving slightly, gives you an idea of what you can feel throughout the car. Also can hear exhaust.