Here is his last response. In regards to the studies, i will try to find them, but i'm sure they're out there, as i know they had to do some research into this issue when travel across the channel became overly affluent.
I'll try to get that email address for this individual he mentions.
No problem Chris. I hope I can be of some assistance as I know you guys have an
uphill battle.
If all the cars were compliant to our rules, it would certainly bode well for
you guys. The trouble is almost everyone I stop has a non-compliant vehicle that
was improperly approved. Most guys just want to argue about how safe they are
instead of trying to make them compliant. Currently if I stop a RHD and find
everything is compliant to our rules, you are on your way. There are no other
issues to discuss.
Like I've said before, the general public (which obviously way out numbers rhd
owners) do not want them on the road, period. If you know of some studies that
are published regarding rhd operation on the right side of the road and their
safety, make it known to everyone and post a link. I think it would greatly help
your cause. Like I've said I am unaware of any such study.
As long as I don't get a hundred emails a day, I have no problem in trying to
help or answer any questions you guys may have. I am here to help as much as I
am here to hurt. D) lol
Mike Woods has also contacted me to let me know you guys can contact him
directly. He is the Vehicle Inspection Manager for the province and is the one
who is "Spearheading" this issue. I can't remember his email (it's easy but
escapes me) but his phone number in Victoria is 250-953-4040.
I'll try to get that email address for this individual he mentions.
No problem Chris. I hope I can be of some assistance as I know you guys have an
uphill battle.
If all the cars were compliant to our rules, it would certainly bode well for
you guys. The trouble is almost everyone I stop has a non-compliant vehicle that
was improperly approved. Most guys just want to argue about how safe they are
instead of trying to make them compliant. Currently if I stop a RHD and find
everything is compliant to our rules, you are on your way. There are no other
issues to discuss.
Like I've said before, the general public (which obviously way out numbers rhd
owners) do not want them on the road, period. If you know of some studies that
are published regarding rhd operation on the right side of the road and their
safety, make it known to everyone and post a link. I think it would greatly help
your cause. Like I've said I am unaware of any such study.
As long as I don't get a hundred emails a day, I have no problem in trying to
help or answer any questions you guys may have. I am here to help as much as I
am here to hurt. D) lol
Mike Woods has also contacted me to let me know you guys can contact him
directly. He is the Vehicle Inspection Manager for the province and is the one
who is "Spearheading" this issue. I can't remember his email (it's easy but
escapes me) but his phone number in Victoria is 250-953-4040.