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15 Year Rule: Legalization

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  • 15 Year Rule: Legalization

    Maybe we could discuss our own theories as to why this rule exists.

    Please share your thoughts - I am curious to know.

    From my understanding according to what an RIV rep. stated, it was because the Canadian government wanted to keep such large sales @ home... (i.e. sales of cars, parts, etc)... rather then having people import them elsewhere.

    I believe this is the main reason, but I am sure there are many other hidden truths - typical of governments. *damn, do I sound like an anarchist or what?*

    "Straight roads are for FAST CARS, Corners are for FAST DRIVERS!"

    Absolute Motor Specialties (AMS INC)
    AMS Motorsports

  • #2
    When you think about it, the "15 year rule" is kind of odd. I though I heard somewhere that the government actually offers monetary incentives to get 15+ year old cars *off* the roads!


    • #3
      To protect North American automakers...


      • #4
        Its not to protect north american auto makers. The rule exists due to the fact that the car was never built for the North American market. Even if the country of origion has higher standards then Canada the car is placed in the same catagory as all other non Domestic cars. Domestics can include Nissan, Honda, Toyota ect....In the automotive world 15 years is when a vehicle is determinded to be antique and all vehicles that are 15 years old are under special rules. I have heard talks that the cars dont have the same type of safty as newer cars and that they dont need as much to be considered "safe". If it was to protect what most would call Domestic Auto Makers (GM, Ford, Dodge ect.) then they would just as well have said all non North American companies cannot make cars for North America.


        • #5
          Its pretty simple really, IMO. So maufacturers or shady people cant "dump" their cars into our market ( that are not safe, or are not moving in their home country )and we end up with 30000 Yugo Sports. Also, it protects the manufacturers that spend their $$$ to crash test a car (competes in our market when its new) and comply with Canadian law, from being undercut by one that doesnt invest its money, for 15 years.


          • #6
            That makes total sense to me there 98ss, and in principle sounds exactly like patent laws...namely to protect those who went thru the expense of making their cars comply with our domestic law and standards.

            "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sileighty D
              To protect North American automakers...
              Hey welcome Sileighty D, any relation to our member and fellow postcount=1 member "Sileighty" from QC?

              "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"


              • #8
                Originally posted by 98ss
                Its pretty simple really, IMO. So maufacturers or shady people cant "dump" their cars into our market ( that are not safe, or are not moving in their home country )and we end up with 30000 Yugo Sports. Also, it protects the manufacturers that spend their $$$ to crash test a car (competes in our market when its new) and comply with Canadian law, from being undercut by one that doesnt invest its money, for 15 years.

                I think it's to protect North American Manufacturers and serves its purpose as a Safety Regulation.

                However, I do find it stupid that North American cars such as the Evolution, GTO and MR-S aren't legal in Canada, despite U.S. availablity, until 15 years pass.


                • #9
                  Maybe they dont think its worth spending the money to make it legal. Maybe they have done their case studies and came to the conclusion that we would buy as many GTO's or MR S's as we would Aztecs.

                  Dodge dicountinued the stealth, which basicly was a ... I wonder why?


                  • #10
                    Hey welcome Sileighty D, any relation to our member and fellow postcount=1 member "Sileighty" from QC?
                    Nope. Thanks for the welcome though. I usually go under the moniker Justin Credible.[/code]


                    • #11
                      to protect domestic auto industry - TRUE; dun forget Canada also build cars

                      but that's totally stupid since under the mixed market, comapnies compete with some gov't intervention... but i think gov't do too much on importing car issues...

                      either the gov't willing to drop the 15 year rule and make it lesser (i.e. 10 year or 5 year) or get our MP to discuss about this issue... or ultimately: A REFERENDUM ON SHOULD 15 YEAR RULE BE DROPPED!

                      no offense, guys, but the gov't should listen to our voices too...


                      • #12
                        Beuraucracy at it's finest.

                        Let's avoid resurrecting old posts. :wink: If the thread doesn't contain information you find useful/if there is anything you want to contribute... just start a new one if its from more than 3 months ago.

                        It gets confusing. :P
                        Race. Win. Live.


                        • #13
                          not too sure if this question has been asked,,, but here goes,,
                          Can you import a vehicle newer than 15 years old into Canada and sit on it until it's 15 years old, then register/license it ?


                          • #14
                            Customs wont allow a newer then 15 year old vehicle's paperwork to be processed.. so it will either get sent back to Japan (Or whereever) or they will get rid of it.

                            the 15 year rule is transport Canada's rule (Federal)

                            THe Province (ICBC) doesn't care what age the car is. they will register/insure anything that has the correct paperwork from Transport Canada and customs..
                            FVI Fo Life
                            Imports are more then a Fad, they are a Life Style
                            Originally posted by JZ
                            Agreed. Good to have you here Ben


                            • #15
                              Short answer, no

