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HELP. whos with state farm in ontario

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  • HELP. whos with state farm in ontario

    Ok so im looking at getting a skyline in the next couple days and i'm going to be going through state farm for insurance (under my dads policy, car will be in his name) and yes i have searched and i read that state farm WILL cover it. But, my dad has been exchanging info back and forth all week with this idiot and he says he can't find a policy for the car etc etc... So i talked to him today and said i know people have insured these cars through state farm (89 r32 gtst sedan) So he said if you get a name and policy number he can bring it up and give me a quote. so can anyone point me in the right direction here? maybe can someone send me some info to give to this guy so i can get a freakin quote? Thanks, Brad.

  • #2
    i'd like to know this as' with statefarm, i'm 25 about to turn 26, they JUST sent me a bill(yesterday) for $979!...i've been with statefarm since I got my g1 at 16yrs old, I think it's like $300/month but I don't get some parts like one section says "auto applicatioN" which i've never seen before(i've had 8 cars) - the auto application says $300something...I have no tickets whatsoever, no problems, no I'm waiting for them to call me back with an explanation... because this is pretty expensive considering I've been a good driver.
    R33 GTS-25T


    • #3
      I was paying $200/month on my 350z...which was worth alot more..and I understand that the risk is greater with a RHD vehicle on LHD roads but I figured from what i've read on forums(ontario drivers w/ RHD vehicles insured), and my driving record that it would've been around $200/month, which is the ROUGH estimate my statefarm agent gave me...
      R33 GTS-25T


      • #4
        tell them to cram it and look for another agent


        • #5
          ok so yea it was $326/ now what i've done is changed my address to downtown, as the address i had was my parents' home since i got the multi product and multi vehicle discount. So now it's down to $230/month, but i'm getting the insurance for my place downtown($20/month) switched to statefarm, i'll be saving another 16% on the insurance...apparently north york is like the highest rated premiums in toronto...downtown is significantly cheaper...
          R33 GTS-25T


          • #6
            State farm is horrible. Or at least the agency I was with. My agent had quoted me $100/month, total for liability, and that's all I wanted. October, bill is 140 for the skyline, november bill is 200. In december I put the car on Fire and Theft only since it was stored till March. March comes along, put the car back, no problem, bill comes along, 500 dollars for the Skyline, they start giving me some BS explanation they charged me 3 months ahead, well the next month was 500 again.

            After that I simply left and took my business elsewhere, they were ripping me and my parents off for a while, our house was insured too had a flood, and they never did anything about it, no one in the family had an accident or speeding ticket, i'm much happier with my new insurance company.

            However, note that I was with a horrible agency to begin with, my agent did actually get fired before I left, guess she was making lots of problems for others, also I heard some people have the cheapest insurance rates with State Farm.


            • #7
              Im with rbc and also live in north york i pay 240 with my condo insurence clean abstract and have been licensed for 8 years. If you dont have any major tickets i can get yoh insured through royal bank insurence


              • #8
                peter is right. RBC is pretty good. their quote was a bit on the high side for me but was in the right ballpark.


                • #9
                  I've been with statefarm for about 5 years no issues. My insurance includes a 02 accord, 94 gt-r, house insurance and life insurance.

                  It all depends on who you deal with. The first time we called (the lady we deal with was on vacay) the idiot keeps asking if it was like a 350z

                  I just waited to speak to someone that can handle such a request. What I can tell you is that because it was a RHD vehicle, they had to call "head office" to get approval. So they did and insured me, full coverage when driven. The only thing I can tell you is that they took pics of my vehicle due to it being a RHD, they never took pics of the accord!

                  My wife recently also told me that they gave me further discount about $25 for getting another vehicle thru them


                  • #10
                    I'm now with State Farm for two of my cars (Legacy & Skyline GT-R). (Co-operators simply won't insure RHD, even if you're 40+, with a perfect record, home & life policies!)

                    The agent did screw-up by saying they would insure the Skyline if I brought another "normal" car to them. Turns out that you need to be with Facility for 6 months until they will put the Skyline on your policy. 150% the price for an idiotic "trial" period with them. (do they really think that 6 months is relevant if you have a 10-year clean record??)

                    Anyhoo, their prices are pretty good, since the Skyline with comp (12k value) is about $87 a month, and collision is only about $10 more!

                    I didn't have much time to shop around, but it seemed pretty good, and I wanted to avoid "small" insurance companies.


                    • #11
                      I was Pro State Farm for a long time, but now they seem to be raking me thru the coals. $220 a month this winter - 93 Gtst/Fire&theft and 90 Cutlass Ciera/1 mill liability$500 deduct.

