GTR Canada has updated the mobile sites utilizing TouchBB, Tapatalk and ForumsPro for best viewing and optimum speed.
Our old mobile site has been retired due to maintenance and security issues.
To view our mobile sites please choose from these 3 options:
Supports: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
There are two versions, TouchBB Lite (free), and TouchBB ($0.99). The difference between them is that TouchBB has no ads, and offers full page iPad viewing.
1) Download the TouchBB Lite or TouchBB app from iTunes and install on your Apple mobile device.
2) Go to "Accounts", click the "+" sign in the upper right, click "Add Your Own Forum", then type "forums.gtrcanada.com" in the URL space, along with your username and password.
Supports: iPhone ($2.99), Android ($2.99), Blackberry (free), Nokia (free)
1) Download Tapatalk from iTunes or other appropriate location depending on your mobile device.
2) Search for "GTR Canada", we are listed in the Tapatalk directory
Forums Pro
Supports: iPhone, iPod Touch
There are two versions, Forums Pro Free (free), and Forums Pro ($0.99). The difference between them is that Forums Pro has no ads.
1) Download Forums Pro from iTunes and install on your Apple mobile device.
2) Click "Add Forum" and add "forums.gtrcanada.com" to the list.
My personal recommendation is TouchBB Lite if you have an Apple product. This app is fast, and looks great. Best of all it's free! They say there are ads, but I haven't seen any yet. Tapatalk is great for Blackberry and Nokia users as it's free. Forums Pro is great as well, but a bit slower than the other two.
Install one of these great apps on your phone and start connecting with GTR Canada wherever you are!