We have just received the official GT-R Canada license plate frames.
These frames feature the GTRC URL at the top, and the GTRC logo at the bottom, and are Made in Canada!
Show your pride in your car and your club!
Price: $20 per pair (includes shipping)
Buy yours today via PayPal: http://forums.gtrcanada.com/payments.php

We also accept EMT for these orders. If you wish to pay via EMT, please PM GTRC Admin for further instructions.
These frames feature the GTRC URL at the top, and the GTRC logo at the bottom, and are Made in Canada!
Show your pride in your car and your club!
Price: $20 per pair (includes shipping)
Buy yours today via PayPal: http://forums.gtrcanada.com/payments.php

We also accept EMT for these orders. If you wish to pay via EMT, please PM GTRC Admin for further instructions.