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Autocross Video

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  • Autocross Video

    Here's a video of one of my first runs in my GTR at Namao in Edmonton on May 15. Not the best, but I improved a lot over the day. One of the guys there had a GoPro that he put on my car for a run, once I get that I'll post it too.

    NASCC Namao Autocross, my run in my R33 Skyline GTR, NOT my best run of the day!

  • #2
    Not bad...

    the biggest thing to remeber is slow hands. Smooth = fast. Watching the video... if you drop your speed in the slalom by say 3-5kph you will end up through it faster.

    Nice work, good to see more people getting out there and driving thier cars other than on the street.

    Be careful though, it's an addictive drug. I got started in AutoX, and have been to multiple a few US national tour events. Then came the next step to Solosprint and the money starts flowing... lol



    • #3
      Yep, did it in my Altima for the last couple years. Could drive that thing faster/better than I can drive the Skyline so far, still getting used to it. I love autoX, you are right, it is addictive!

