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UltraRide 2010 Photo album

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  • UltraRide 2010 Photo album

    I spent the greater part of Sunday morning on the phone with TW debating whether or not our 45 min of sleep the night before was going to be enough to endure the 500 some odd km's of Ultraride 2010.. All i can say is, we're VERY thankful we went; by far the greatest driving experience to date.

    It started at 830 am in Laval, Quebec. The group met in a section of a parking lot of a mall due to an obvious necessity for space.. The weather called for rain, so our hopes of 300 cars was a long shot.. Little did we know, once 845 rolled around, all 360 stickers were handed out and cars were still rolling in. Our final tally was in the area of 400-420 cars, unreal.

    ...And the Skyline crew assembled!

    In order from left to right,

    Myself, Tyler, Frank, ( ), Max, Gabrielle

    No big deal..


    And we rolled out;

    Check out the GTST Projects page and keep up to date with my build!
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  • #2

    Finally hit the highway.. Cruising at 100 km/h has never been so fun, or looked so good..

    Stupid EL was dwelling;

    JDM Tyte traffic!

    Small pit stop after 30 minutes of traffic;

    After this, we passed through a small town and finally hit up some twisties. Weather started to clear so we had some fairly decent tire temperatures. Roads were smooth, corners were tight, air temp was solid, couldn't ask for anything better..

    We finally came to a jam and saw this guy wedged in the guardrail.. Tried to drift the corner and got smoked.. Apparently they had to send the police and fire dept. to LIFT the guardrail off the vehicle - he was wedged too far in to be pulled out. Epic

    Gave us time to take a little pit stop, grab some shots and take a quick leak;

    Check out the GTST Projects page and keep up to date with my build!
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    Any part inquiries can be forwarded to


    • #3
      Hit the road up.. More twisties came as we neared the 327(?) to tremblant and finally got to our destination.

      Petro pit-stop;

      Made it to tremblant! Parking P3 ftw;

      Couple HDR shots i got.. Terrible lighting

      After lunch at Casies in Tremblant village, we got hit with a pretty wild rain storm. Tyler, Gabrielle and I decided to head home via the 15 instead of trekking along the rest of the way. The last leg of the day was another 200 or so km which Frank and the rest of the crew did, including Mitch who only showed up at lunch. I can't speak for them, but i can imagine the rain put a real damper on the day..

      Franki got a ton of pic's, so hopefuly he'll load them up and we can see how the final leg turned out!

      Can't wait for next year..
      Check out the GTST Projects page and keep up to date with my build!
      Like us on Facebook!
      Any part inquiries can be forwarded to


      • #4
        So happu for you guys keep the spirit up!
        When the sun goes down, RPMs go up !


        • #5
          funny, I have a house close to that couche-tard-subway ( boul. de la salette).

          How comes no pic of girls LOL :P ?
          Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :

          Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


          • #6
            Great shots! Looks like everyone had fun and repped us well!!
            I laughed at the Couche Tard Mac's shot. For a non-Francophone (Stoopid Anglo!) it reads as couch 'tard. (Thinner than a couch 'tater cause he's too dumb to walk to the fridge.)
            The Beaumont Connection


            • #7
              Looks like fun! I miss going on big drives like that. Seems like here we can't any more than a few people at a time to go.

              Anyone know who this is? Or know what the lights are in the bumper? I kinda like them.


              • #8
                thats Tyler (TW), check out his build thread for more info on those lights

                i didn't get that many pics, because my camera(s) quit on me

                heres some of the best

                4 skylines made it to the finish, me, max, mitch and louis-gil

                ohhhh yeah, i got these bad boys made the day before the ride

                tyler and marc looking all cool

                my car is still not done, don't judge it


                [links to all chapters in first post]


                • #9
                  Nice! Thanks for the pics! Must have been a wicked time!

                  Frank I'm a fan of your work!


                  • #10
                    Your cameras quit when they were mounted on the front quarter?? damnnn that sucks! I was so hoping for some videos! haha

                    Yea, the light bars are pretty unique. They look awesome at night, but i think he's gonna open them up and paint the housing to match the car instead of chrome. It's gonna look sick when it's all set up.

                    Great day.. damn.. I'm so happy i didnt keep going with you guys though, i was about ready to pass out and take a nap in a ditch on the way home lol.
                    Check out the GTST Projects page and keep up to date with my build!
                    Like us on Facebook!
                    Any part inquiries can be forwarded to


                    • #11
                      Couche Tard Mac's shot. For a non-Francophone (Stoopid Anglo!) it reads as couch 'tard.
                      I feel you.. I say it 'cooch', or i'll remix it and go 'couch'.. Half the time i can't remember the correct pronunciation.
                      Last edited by nelsonmxmarc; 09-15-2010, 08:36 AM.
                      Check out the GTST Projects page and keep up to date with my build!
                      Like us on Facebook!
                      Any part inquiries can be forwarded to


                      • #12
                        Great pictures guys! Looks like it turned out very well. Next Year ill definitely be coming over there for this ride. Hopefully by then ill have one of the 400+whp club sticker Thanks for the pictures :P
                        Heart rate 160, I'm goin 260, RB26 run me past you in a jiffy


                        O O SKYLINE O O


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by frankiman View Post
                          thats Tyler (TW), check out his build thread for more info on those lights
                          Thanks! I posted a couple questions in his thread.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GTR-Dad View Post
                            Great shots! Looks like everyone had fun and repped us well!!
                            I laughed at the Couche Tard Mac's shot. For a non-Francophone (Stoopid Anglo!) it reads as couch 'tard. (Thinner than a couch 'tater cause he's too dumb to walk to the fridge.)
                            LOLL!! héhé
                            Need detailing done to your car? I'm open to travel to detail your car :


                            Please follow my works and latest news/promotion at : || ||


                            • #15
                              no flip no care,
                              im disappointed frank.
                              i thought you were going to out do your self this year.
                              four flips, burst in to flames , slow motion mid air eject from the car etc.
                              lol nice turn out thanks fro the pics!
                              Real Skyline owners have lost at least one to a freakish accident (*- ω -) = #dungive'a

