In response to all the recent controversies and complaints regarding Group Buys, we've started a separate GB forum.
This forum is strictly for the use of members to organize group discounts with a 3rd party, and for sponsors to run GB's from their companies. Period.
Outside commercial concerns that attempt to run a GB on GTRC will be automatically deleted. This also includes members who appears to be posing as a private individual but are in fact operating as a company.
The final say on what can and can not be posted shall be determined by the Admin crew of GTRC, and not open to debate.
Thanks all,
This forum is strictly for the use of members to organize group discounts with a 3rd party, and for sponsors to run GB's from their companies. Period.
Outside commercial concerns that attempt to run a GB on GTRC will be automatically deleted. This also includes members who appears to be posing as a private individual but are in fact operating as a company.
The final say on what can and can not be posted shall be determined by the Admin crew of GTRC, and not open to debate.
Thanks all,