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R32 gts-t rb20 ecu chip!!

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  • R32 gts-t rb20 ecu chip!!

    have here a motherboard and reprogramable ecu chip for the rb20 gts-t

    the specs are

    hks gt2530r B.B turbo
    444cc gtr injectors
    z32 maf
    1.0 -1.2 bar of boost
    aftermarket exhaust , no aftermarket ex.. manifold..
    stock intake
    94 octane
    gtr fuel pump

    ran 300hp on this tune!!
    i sold the ecu to a friend and he didn;t need this.. needs to be installed by a electronic pro!!

    75$ shipped!!
    pm me if u need this tune


  • #2
    Who tuned it?

    -= PM ME FOR INFO =-


    • #3
      a well know tunner in MTL..



      • #4
        Ill tell you that if it was almasi, it definetly runs rich as hell and he only tunes when he's stoned, I would never run something tuned by him


        • #5
          good for u .... u want a cookie!!! ... if this tune is too rich for the likeing of the buyer ... which it is not!!.. i'll refund the money.....

          thats how sure i am of this tune!!

          it gets the job done for 75$ rather then spending $400- 500 on tunning if u have this set up, u won't be disapointed

          thanks for looking!!


          • #6
            Just looking out for people selling crap! Like this chip! Enjoy your cookie


            • #7
              Originally posted by t-bag View Post
              Just looking out for people selling crap! Like this chip! Enjoy your cookie
              dude .. if u have something to say about me and the stuff i sell lets meet up and talk about this face to face. . I know who u are and a friend that u sold somthing too still has ur #.....

              My friend told me ur an allright guy as u drove down to hawkesbury from Mtl to give him a oil drain fitting or something for his rb20!! remember this??

              But i'm woundering if he was wrong!!

              U have no right to say this tune is crap as u don't know who i am and what i like in a tune, how many hours we put in this tune, what the A/r are in this tune..

              So be a good boy and go eat your cookie and just leave my post alone!!!!!!!!

              thanks and have a good day!!!!!


              • #8
                I'm not knocking your car or whatever you run on it.
                I remember bringing the fitting up to your boy in Hawksbury, Brian is nice dude. I always bend over backwards to people who enjoy the same passion as I do. I think i've seen you run once at St-Eustache, I think your car caught fire that day.

                I have never met one person satisfied with their Almasi tune, hence why they run a megasquirt or haltech and bring them to Walter instead, like myself. After he tuned my old S13 setup, its all nice and dandy that we made 478whp, the throttle response was sooooo poor, it had no idle, by far the worst thing i have ever driven.

                What I have come to realise is that 80% of people of these forums have sub-par knowledge of the cars they drive or work on. Since they lack the knowledge, they follow internet propaganda and hearsay and 95% of the time end up disappointed with whatever they buy and something as sensitive as a eprom is difficult to sell.

                Jeff, I'm sorry if I offended you. And you don't need to call Brian to get my number, 514-691-1389.

