Recently I've noticed a lot of replica parts being sold on the forum, but more alarmingly I've noticed a lot of these for sale threads being borderline misleading.
Replica parts not authentic parts, but copy or rip offs of the originals. We should always remember that supporting the original manufacturers not only keeps the industry healthy, but keeps the door open for new and exciting innovations in the industry for the future. Not supporting original manufacturers will lead to product lines being slimmed down and possibly companies closing down When that happens, what will the replica manufacturers replicate?
In regards to misleading For Sale threads, and helping to combat wording that can give the impression that the goods are authentic, we are implementing these new policies immediately.
1) Replica products must be clearly marked with the full word "Replica" for each item
2) Replica products must include the country of manufacture in the post
3) The original product's manufacturer's name must not be used in the title of the post (to prevent search engines picking them up and directing visitors to the thread only to realize it's fake, not authentic), however can be used in the body of the thread.
If any further misleading threads are posted, they will be edited or removed completely.
Thank you for your understanding, and let's work together to keep the industry and scene strong for many years to come.
GTRC Admin
Replica parts not authentic parts, but copy or rip offs of the originals. We should always remember that supporting the original manufacturers not only keeps the industry healthy, but keeps the door open for new and exciting innovations in the industry for the future. Not supporting original manufacturers will lead to product lines being slimmed down and possibly companies closing down When that happens, what will the replica manufacturers replicate?
In regards to misleading For Sale threads, and helping to combat wording that can give the impression that the goods are authentic, we are implementing these new policies immediately.
1) Replica products must be clearly marked with the full word "Replica" for each item
2) Replica products must include the country of manufacture in the post
3) The original product's manufacturer's name must not be used in the title of the post (to prevent search engines picking them up and directing visitors to the thread only to realize it's fake, not authentic), however can be used in the body of the thread.
If any further misleading threads are posted, they will be edited or removed completely.
Thank you for your understanding, and let's work together to keep the industry and scene strong for many years to come.
GTRC Admin