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Need help with ICBC

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  • Need help with ICBC

    So I have been in another accident. To date I have been in 5 rear end, not at fault accidents, and have yet to fight over fault of an accident.

    Saturday I was involved in an accident. There is a blind corner in my townhouse complex. There is a mirror on the corner so you can see around the corner. I noticed a vehicle oncoming in the mirror. I slowed. Turns out he wasn't checking the mirror, cut the corner, and hit me.

    At the scene we agreed he was at fault. I told him not to move so I could get my camera to take pictures of the scene. A neighbour told us to move as we were blocking traffic, and the kid moved his truck, and parked it at his house. After he left I drove to my house. We excanged information and oince again he admitted fault, that he wasnt paying attention, cut the corner, and apologized.

    Yesterday I went to ICBC and made my claim and gave my statement to find that he was placing 100% blame on me and that his witness, the guy who told us to move, said I went wide and was going too fast. This witness is a friendly neighbour of his who helped the kid bend the bumper back so he could drive his truck.

    I know I should have left my car there and taken pictures of where my car was. I know I should have called the cops. While in shock, he admitted fault and all that slipped my mind.

    What can I do from here? I will not accept fault for an accident I am not responsible for. I am claiming he has a biased witness. I am using the pictures I took of all the damage that show I was not hit head on (which if i went wide i would have been) and that I was hit at an angle (which shows when I was in my lane he was cutting across through my lane hitting me at an angle). I am using the fact that he left the scene to clear the road without allowing me to properly document the accident scene.

    What else can I do? Should I do?
    I will post pics soon.
    Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.

  • #2
    You could involve police or take it to small claims.

    A lawyer could get involved but that gets expensive and you don't need one if you take it to small claims.

    The threat of taking it to a higher authority might also make them back down and admit fault. However if they're lying then it would be insurance fraud...
    shhhhhhhhhhhh it's a secret!


    • #3
      you are the reason i will never move to krashloops

      i think your best bet is to take pictures and submit them with your side of the story...

      with the whole witness thing claiming you were driving fast the damage on the vehicles would show the speed of the accident... also the guy in the truck should not have moved his vehicle as that is essentially tampering with evidence... cell phone pics could have shown this quite easily and you wouldnt need your good camera...

      its no surprise that he filed a claim already, his story needs to hold up though and like swiss cheese there are holes in it...

      simply asking the guy " did you look at the corner mirror before entering the corner?" can yeild some good results... if he says no its his fault, if he says yes then "why didnt he slow down or stop"

      you should have filed the claim immediatly, especially with your bad luck and accidents in krashloops
      How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to screw in a light bulb?

      Wanna go ride bikes...

      R.I.P \'87 4cyl Rustang
      \'03 Dodge SX2.0
      \'90 GTR32


      • #4
        no matter if he has a witness or not. The damage will show the direction and speed the car was hit. Don't even worry about it. Same thing happen to my gf and we don't have a witness. ICBC just take both cars in and try matching the angle. The other guy is automatically at fault.
        Biggest selection of Skyline CarbonFiber & FRP Aero in Canada. PM me.


        • #5
          yeah man you can't lie to those inspectors.

          They see samples like these 400-800 at the least a year. They'll know which angle the car came in, at what velocity, etc.

          Once they come up with a finding, they usually bring in a officer and asks the liar: "Are you REALLY sure that's what happened? or Is there something else?"

          After you lose this "chance", anything after that they find is a lie is considered now a criminal offence, aka public mischief.


          • #6
            ha. i love you guys.
            we will see. what they come up with. im just preparing to fight.
            Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.


            • #7
              You'll be laughing all the way to the bank when ICBC finds out the other guys are lying. You cant bs ICBC, they always know wtf is going on


              • #8
                well maybe. and you can BS ICBC. its all about what you can prove. if you can prove your BS. you win. i will point icbc to the physical evidence. the fact that they didnt allow me to document the scene properly. gotta talk to my lawyer today anyway. we will see what he thinks.
                Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.


                • #9
                  what car was this in??
                  Victory is on the horizon..


                  • #10
                    this was in my nice little 4 door skyline
                    Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.


                    • #11
                      again?!?!? oh man, i really feel for you man. is the damage bad?
                      Victory is on the horizon..


                      • #12
                        lol Charlie you and Jon put together makes up the RHD ban "study" incident examples.


                        • #13
                          I have to add. I have not been put at fault in an accident until this one. And I am only facing fault because some dumbass neighbour has it out for me because my loud exhaust pisses him off.

                          That said my lawyer seems to think I am SOL and JWF. He has a witness and I don't. If I can get an engineer to prove angle of impact, and that his story would have had a different angle of impact... then I might have a chance of being cleared.
                          Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.


                          • #14
                            Initial Damage

                            After 4.5 Hrs of work, I was ready for the trip to Golden Gardens
                            Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.


                            • #15
                              Man that sucks. Deffinately make an appointment and tell them your side. I wouldn't have. Bent stuff back however. That makes it harder to prove stuff. And deffinately buy the car back.

