I took all the necessary pictures. the damage is still there. i basically made a new mount for the headlight, stiched the bumper back together and straightened the IC. I covered my ass on the pictures tho, confirmed this with ICBC as long as i have high res photos of all angles of the damage ill be fine. i still have my bent rebar, and my fender hasnt changed. nor has my rad support etc.
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Need help with ICBC
I think you're good to go on this. Honestly.
The damage is minimal for their claim of you coming around the corner too fast... As well, I believe the rebar will be pushed through your IC at any impact over like 20km/h so that shows their bs right off the top.
Tell ICBC to ask the witness what they were doing when they saw the accident? Sounds like he came out after he heard what happened, or when he got home, not that he was watering his flowers checking out your car when you went around the corner. Maybe he'll squirm and they'll know what's up...
Also if you went wide you would have hit him in the middle of the truck/middle of your hood, not passenger side headlight. If they line up your two cars impact, measure the street, they will see that there's no way you went very wide. However it doesn't rule out their claim.
Also go outside and look for any tire marks that you could document. If you were stopped, holding your brake pedal when he hit you, there might be short tire marks on the street. You should have even taken pictures of the glass and where it was spread out. Could have helped your case marginally.
I wish you the best of luck with this man. I can't believe how much crap you've been through with accidents. This should work out fine in the end though. I will ALWAYS keep a camera in my car, been screwed over one too many times. Even just a cheap disposable you can keep in your glove box.
If/when they write it off, buy it back (obv. That car is slick) and then sell me your rimsDISCLAIMER: If any of the above comments in this post hurt your feelings you are likely taking me too seriously; I'm probably just busting your balls. If you're unsure, feel free to PM me and we can discuss the matter privately, as to not pull the thread OT.
Hopefully you'll be okay.. Since my car's been off the road I've been driving my sister's Civic.. (Shut up) .. I've been rear ended in that thing twice in 6 months. Both times I refused to move the car until the cops came. The first one the guy admitted fault, the second one the girl tried to pin on me <- her story didn't match the police report so I ended up winning..
I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're ever in an accident don't move anything until some form of civil entity arrives.shhhhhhhhhhhh it's a secret!
So I was just informed by my neighbour that the kid who hit me and his "witness" are co-workers... so its just a buddy helping a buddy out of a bad situation. That is biased. I am going to fight the living **** out of this. I also have a friend who is an engineer. Maybe we can mathematically prove angle of impact and show how it proves my story, not his.Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.
i hope this works out.
on a side note. i think im going to fix it myself on their coin. (only paying a body shop to straighten the rad support and paint). would be cheaper (can upgrade a few things) and quicker.Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.
well i am looking at a $4k repair bill. so i am looking for ICBC to fix it. that is the other reason (beyond the reason that i did nothing wrong) why i will not accept blame. i am waiting to hear the estimate while doing my own part and labor shopping so when the estimate comes out i can just take the $$ and get it fixed.Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.
ok talked to the adjuster.
they tossed his witness, they found out he is biased.
that leaves his word against mine thus far. so we are at 50 - 50 blame. im just finalizing my little evidence package for them, and waiting on my engineer friend's report. this should be fun. if i have to i will accept 25% blame. because then my premiums dont go up, and he pays the deductable. but i am shooting for 100% clear.
so far i have:
- angle of impact (being proven by engineer)
- pictures and video of dirt path on road shows everyone cuts corner the way he did (not clear cut, but adds to probability)
- low speed nature of impact, as only softer metals and metal designed to crumple were damaged. head light lens took direct hit and did not crack (disproves his speed claims)
- fact that he moved his truck from the accident scene before we could call the cops or document the sceneJust one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.
just took some video of me driving in and out of the complex to show what the intersection is like. could not have worked out better. 2 cars cut the corner in front of me, one of them being a local driving school car.Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.
Originally posted by FunnyGas View Postjust took some video of me driving in and out of the complex to show what the intersection is like. could not have worked out better. 2 cars cut the corner in front of me, one of them being a local driving school car.
WOW. That is perfect. i would say that pretty much seals the deal. Good luck man
Keep us updated.
I'm sure you willsigpic
Originally posted by m_melen...it woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello
well that just shows probability. doesnt mean he did it. just means he was likely to. that video, plus the pictures showing the beaten path on the road, plus the angle of impact and severity of damage showing speed of impact will ALL have to show more truth to what i am saying AND disproof to his story for me to win this. since the clear cut evidence (pictures from the scene or police report) is not an option i have to prove without reasonable doubt that i am right. even still i may have to take 25% blame, which is ok because I am not financially resposible at that point and i it doesnt effect my driving record or premiums.Just one step on my way to Eleventy Billion horsepower.