HST + strong Canadian dollar = Shopping in the states
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Stop HST - Sign this.
Originally posted by falcon View PostHST is good for the local economy. Not good for your personal pocket. If you
actually read who/where/what it will effect it will help BC in the long run.
I know it still sucks, and I don't want to pay it... but looking to the future....
R33 Skyline GTR VSPEC (White)
R32 Skyline GTS-T (Ztune Silver) - Sold
read up HST effects.
I tell all my clients HST sucks but that's to increase my marketing for May and June more.
HST keeps BC made things competitive with other countries, aka better export power.
HST means PST is no more (harmonized, not separate) so companies and government do not have to pay accounting for both GST and PST but only one. Which means less money spent by companies to do taxes or book keeping = more money left = more job creations.
HST actually reduces some costs as it does not get multiple taxed so it will reduce the price of some items such as gas, etc.
Yes paying 7% more at the bar/restaurant sucks, but honestly, I'm going to enjoy less income tax% more.
Sheeps that rag on HST w/o reading up on it are the same people who want 10 dollars for minimum wage.
Competent people do not make minimum wage.
oh also read:
The link by OP isn't actually a petition. It says it's not. It will just let you know when the petition in your electoral riding comes in. All you are doing is giving info to NDP.
I did ROFL at some comments though:
Valerie *****, surrey
I am a single mom on permanent disability; I just calculated what it will cost me EXTRA for next year. Over 2000.00!!! My daughter is 13, approx. $200 per year school fee's, summer camp is $375.00 for 5 days, we get our hair cut/restyled about every 7-8 weeks. We use public transit, might go to the white spot every 2months, we shop at Value Village for the most part. Luckily we have a very reasonably priced SMALL house with a BIG private yard---thank God we have our 2 dogs/2 cats to nurture and "play" outside with us in the yard. Our form of CAMPING is to set up the tent in the backyard.If this HST becomes a reality, we are ALL gonna be staying 'home' more with family---that's NOT a bad thing BUT it should be OUR choice. NOT forced upon us by Gordon Campbell and the silver spoon that has been stuck up his 'okole' since birth. He should be subjected to performing on an episode of "Undercover Boss" and have to live MY "simple-penny-pinching-life" for a week!!!!
lol whiners.
Originally posted by Shadao View Postand we wouldnt be in the need of such an tax if it werent for the olympics which for my local economy did NOTHING
Seriously? You DO realize that every major news outlet is already stating that from an income/ticket sales point of view the Olympics will break even if not make money.
And it you can't tell what it did for our tourism for at least a few years. Considering the times were in when it comes to world wide economy it was GREAT to have the Olympics.
I can't help it if you live in buttfuck nowhere. It helped/will help us here on the coast. The Provincial govt may have put some cash towards the Olympics but a BIG portion of it was fronted by the City of Vancouver... the govt will get their cash back out of it.
I'm so sick of hearing the Olympic whiners.
Originally posted by M13 View Postread up HST effects.
I tell all my clients HST sucks but that's to increase my marketing for May and June more.
HST keeps BC made things competitive with other countries, aka better export power.
HST means PST is no more (harmonized, not separate) so companies and government do not have to pay accounting for both GST and PST but only one. Which means less money spent by companies to do taxes or book keeping = more money left = more job creations.
HST actually reduces some costs as it does not get multiple taxed so it will reduce the price of some items such as gas, etc.
Yes paying 7% more at the bar/restaurant sucks, but honestly, I'm going to enjoy less income tax% more.
Sheeps that rag on HST w/o reading up on it are the same people who want 10 dollars for minimum wage.
Competent people do not make minimum wage.
yeah well it's better to state the full facts than just throw some words that make up the "jist of it".
Olympics has done wonders for 604, honestly, those who complain about it don't even know where the money actually went nor paid that much tax in the first place anyways (lower income bracket). I love how this broke ass bum complained at the mall today about olympics and bc govnt wasting his money when he's the one getting the welfare cheques as his EI just cut off. Boo hoo, if some people I know can get jobs for 12/hr, anyone can.
So, let me get this right.
You'd be okay with HST because of these small benefits?
I spend about $100 a week on groceries alone, so with my new awesome HST i get to pay 7% more on top which equals out to $364 more a year.
The more i spend on groceries is not compensated by saving pennies at the pump. I look to be saving $50 yearly.
I want to purchase a house eventually, but that will now have to be delayed because it just got 7% more expensive! Since Victoria has one of the highest median property prices - let's go a little more conservative than that and call it $300,000. I'll have to pay $36,000 in taxes, which is $21,000 more than it used to be. Great!
Don't forget that interest rates are back on their way up, so now when you purchase a property you can be in debt for longer!
I guess my hopes of owning a fair bit of real estate are circling the drain.shhhhhhhhhhhh it's a secret!