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Looking for answers....very important!!

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  • #16
    To the OP. I know exactly where you are coming from. I am the exact same as you. You want to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and you want give him a chance to own up before you take legal (or Lethal) matters.

    But think about it. Your out 4200 bucks and a GTR. Its been 6 months. Hes trying to avoid you. No more mr. Nice guy. Post his name up, his username and the shop.

    You don't want anyone else to go through what you are dealing with, do you?

    Posting his info up and stuff will not affect your chances in court or with the law, so don't feel hesitated to do so. Since he is Canada, damn rights your local police can help. Go to them, write a statement, and like Falcon said, they have a special department for this. Where they only work on cases like these so they get resolved faster. They will be in Contact with the BC police.

    But nothing travels faster than the word of mouth and now, the internet. Post this info up. Someone on here will know him personally, know the shop, or know someone who knows him.

    Don't be scared. Benefit of the doubt only lasts so long. And you don't know the guy, you've never met him. So you don't know if he is good and genuine. Of course we all want to think that way, but unfortunately, its not the way it is in today's world.

    The Faster you get the info out, the better chances you have to get this resolved

    Originally posted by m_melen woulda been safer if his harness were made of jello


    • #17
      Small update:

      After a lot of back and forth texting and messages, the person has admitted that he doesnt have money to ship the car and thats why he has been avoiding me. I asked him to refund my money. He agreed that he would sell the car locally and refund me the money.......and this was a week ago. And yet again, there has been complete silence. Someone else had volunteered to help get this process of refund going, but nothing so far, despite promise to do it one day, then the next, then the next, and so on.

      I am requesting him or his associates/friends who read this and know who he is, that he do the right thing. This is testing my patience to no end, and he does not seem to care to even have the courtesy to at least communicate openly.

      Please have the decency to respond. If I have the maturity and sensibility to keep your identity a secret to protect you and your business from getting a really bad name, the least you can do is come clean and pay me back without making excuses. Its only fair. Let's hope he reads this and has the heart to do something about my pain.

      Cheap, Reliable, Fast.....PICK TWO
      SERENITY NOW!!!!!!


      • #18
        Why the hell wont the guy just send you your money back and THEN sell it locally? Thats bull IMO.. If anyone from the lower mainland is down, I am willing to cruise/camp to Kelowna.. we can go there and have a word with the fellow.. I hate seeing another member in good standing with GTRC go through this crap.. Let me know..
        A true race legend is someone who doesn't waste there time racing when its not necessary!!.. BUT THEN AGAIN.. Trash TALKING STOPS WHEN THE PEDAL HITS THE METAL...:x


        • #19
          ^ If he can't pay for shipping I doubt he has the cash to refund him....


          • #20
            He already spent your money dude. You wont see it til he sells the car
            I've been brushing my teeth with jack but it's resulted in terrible amounts of tooth decay.


            • #21
              Hey man, I also haven't posted recently but im still around. I can go talk to the guy if he is in Kelowna and see what he's doing to get the car shipped. I can at least get a visual on the car and make sure it still exists!
              My Garage Sale -


              • #22
                I want to give this guy a chance to own up if/when he or his friends read this........if there is some delay in repayment, at least TELL me and not make excuses or just go silent. I mean, who does that?

                Cheap, Reliable, Fast.....PICK TWO
                SERENITY NOW!!!!!!


                • #23
                  Wow this guy took your money...spent it thats why he's been avoiding you. No longer has money to send the car so he's broke and you still have the courtesy of not posting his name or shop on here? Maybe wait one month for the name to come out but 6 months man? Give your head a shake. Go to the police like everyone else has said and get your god dam money back. Also would like the name shown here so everybody else on this forum has no problems with this guy. Some shady ass people around.
                  gtr garage queen...anybody seen my wallet?


                  • #24
                    You're too nice man, and it seems like you've had a string of unfortunate events happen to you over the past few years. Stop being a nice guy and deal with this scammer. Is he a forum member? what's his name, etc?


                    • #25
                      He is a forum member but for the last few months hasnt come on here. He isnt very active on here. Im doing my best to give him a chance to explain his actions, and that's why I'm not revealing his name because the consequences of doing that will cost much more to him than the $4200 he owes me. In the outside world, he and his shop are well-respected for their work. And quite honestly, I think this is a one-off for him that he screwed up. Its not like he ran away with my money or something. He did put the GTR together with the money I gave him, and I have seen the pictures of the car after it was ready to be shipped. The issue is that he underestimated the shipping costs, which were low when he had the money from me for it. But then he fell sick for a few weeks and used up that money for whatever he had to. Now he is completely invested (to use his words) into his shop rent and other expenses (parts for other customers' cars). That is why he says he doesnt have the money. And quite honestly, it is too late for me to want that car now. I want the money back because I have sold the parts I had kept for it.

                      I seriously think this is a classic case of a good person having taken the wrong step and being too afraid to come up with a way to deal with it quickly. If he were a shady character, which it seems he is to many people, he would have done this to others too. But he admits he thought he could get away with delaying my deal while he earned more money from other people's jobs. He is living in fear I think, of being exposed. I think he is unhappy with himself, unhappy with the situation, but has no idea how to tackle it.

                      I am going to give him the time to explain himself and come up with a plan to pay back. If he doesnt do it, I can always have my best friend in uniform deal with this in a different way. I am well within my rights to do it. Until then, if a GTRC member feels he has the wherewithal to somehow pay him a visit and convince him to pay me back within a month (as he had promised), it would be great. But at this point, I think exposing him openly will make matters worse for everyone. I dont wanna to have to ruin his reputation completely (even though I know how it can be done very easily with the word of mouth and the Internet). An all-out war is not good for our community. He has to know that his whole reputation and credibility may hinge on how he conducts himself.

                      Im sure something good will come out of it. Fingers crossed.

                      Cheap, Reliable, Fast.....PICK TWO
                      SERENITY NOW!!!!!!


                      • #26
                        A good person wouldn't avoid you for months on end even if they did mess up. Call your friend in uniform.
                        Polish Power


                        • #27
                          I have already spoken to him. He has said that as soon as I give him the green light, he will be charged with fraud. Everything is on record, all paperwork about his messages and the financial transactions, as well as his own admission of guilt, I have it all ready to be submitted to the police. They just need me to say I want to press charges. What they would do to him (since I have documentary proof of everything) will ruin his career, maybe even his business. I dont want that to happen to him but I will do what I must to have my money back.

                          I am once again requesting him to do the right thing and have the balls to contact me.

                          Cheap, Reliable, Fast.....PICK TWO
                          SERENITY NOW!!!!!!


                          • #28
                            Well if you have told him this and he doesn't reply soon just do it, you ahve given him more then enough opportunities.
                            Polish Power

