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Boston Bombing Conspiracy

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  • Boston Bombing Conspiracy

    what do you guys think about this?
    everything seems to be a conspiracy these days, who knows what your supposed to believe.

    Built R32 GTR, BW S362, 682awhp @ 28psi

  • #2
    Don't. Just don't.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DarkCaporaL View Post
      Don't. Just don't.
      To be fair he's posted it as a question with no opinion of his own.

      I think before the dawn of the internet people would have been heavily ridiculed for such shoddy theories. A few blurry screenshots to compliment a lucky 4chan post (happens tons) and the Interweb hive-mind thinks they are Sherlock.

      -It was like 5-10 degrees out. You know how many people had jackets and backpacks at a marathon, I'd say 80-90%?

      -The House approved CISPA, still needs to pass Senate, and Obama can veto it (which he said he would on April 16th).

      -All this for one man? Yes. he bombed an peaceful, international event, may as well have been the Olympics. Not some pretty crime, these people need to be found.

      Having said this, believe what make you happiest. I just think its crazy people waste their time with such petty and silly theories that 10 years ago would have been total and utter nonsense to craft.

      Keep it Respectful.
      I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
      Last edited by hozer; 04-23-2013, 06:29 PM.
      Originally posted by archaeic_bloke
      hows the warp drive? i've seen far too many GTR's lately that just arent able to hit warp speed.


      • #4
        I may have overeacted but lately these conspiracy theories are hitting me in the wrong spots. :P

        Also, for everyone's knowledge, those military type guys are not Craft agents. They are part of the National Guard Civil Support Team (CST). They are deployed at major events in advance to assist emergency services in the event they are needed. The two guys you keep seeing in those images were on WMD detection duty.

        After the bombings, they deployed over 650 of them on the streets of Boston.



        • #5
          Originally posted by DarkCaporaL View Post
          I may have overeacted but lately these conspiracy theories are hitting me in the wrong spots. :P

          Also, for everyone's knowledge, those military type guys are not Craft agents. They are part of the National Guard Civil Support Team (CST). They are deployed at major events in advance to assist emergency services in the event they are needed. The two guys you keep seeing in those images were on WMD detection duty.

          After the bombings, they deployed over 650 of them on the streets of Boston.

          Didn't know this. Thanks for that.

          Biggest issue with this being a conspiracy is why would the government set this up?

          Patriot Act already exists, so no need to make another set of laws similar

          Was unrelated to guns and their current affairs, which could rile up a population enough to amend constitution

          Chechnya is essentially non-valuable when it comes to natural resources. No "Iran Oil" argument to be had here

          If you're trying to villainize an identifiable group, they villainized white people (Chechnya is literally where Caucasian comes from) of no identifiable extreme religious views.

          The government can pass an internet censorship bill just as easily as not bombing it citizens would allow it to do.

          If you're fear mongering, you let them run at large for a month not a few days.

          The list goes onnnnn and on

          Lots of young minds on here, I encourage you to think critically about these things before you even consider their possibilities !

          I'm not a political master, but I feel these are fairly sound arguments. I'm sure the internet can prove me wrong though lol
          Last edited by hozer; 04-23-2013, 06:56 PM.
          Originally posted by archaeic_bloke
          hows the warp drive? i've seen far too many GTR's lately that just arent able to hit warp speed.


          • #6
            Its too soon to really say what happened and why.
            every major city has volunteers, paramedics, police, emergency services, you name it they have it on hand especially at an event like this. Even auxiliary police officers what are volunteers wear the same uniform with a different colored shirt and no gun. To the average person that might look like a cop
            They already arrested the people involved in the plot to blow up a train between canada and the US
            The rcmp were following them for 18 months before they moved in
            People are angry with north america and our so called way of corrupt life and way of living
            Yet so many people call canada their new home because its a country of peace
            They can be free and live the life they want. have their traditions.
            Speak their language. Raise their families how they want.
            I'm first generation Canadian, my parents emigrated from England in the 70's.
            they chose to live the life they wanted and contributed to this country just like millions of other immigrants
            yet people are still angry and only outlet is to cause mass pain
            Its sad but wont stop me from living every day of my life.
            Last edited by r33_gtst; 04-23-2013, 10:44 PM. Reason: voice txt isn't so accurate
            R33 GTST RB25DET series 1
            Stock motor, holset HX40, power fc d-jetro, bolt ons, 20psi = 492rwhp 364 lbft


            • #7
              This thread will be VERY closely monitored. If any rules are violated it will be shut down.

              Just as a personal observation, many of the conspiracy theories on the Internet have absolutely no backing to the "facts" they are posting. Keep this in mind before you speak.
              Sign up for GTRC Premium Membership and get 2 of the new GT-R Canada stickers!

