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GTA: Friday Sept 25th GTRC Meet

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  • #31
    SQ1 or FTP? or PUR other then that not really much other areas we can gather in mass in a public setting avoiding my friends coming by. Or we can all have a meet at the MTO inspection station they will love us
    You can't doubt the existance of hell when you live in it


    • #32
      Doesn't matter to me. Rather not go incredibly far, as I am on call this weekend, but not a big deal. If John wants to stay in the East End, lets keep it to the east end. There are plans for a meet/cruise from FTP the following weekend anyways.

      I open, sign me up for anywhere. FTP is kind of nice because we can be loud and do as many burnouts and revs as we want. (As long as Manny says its ok )

      Lets make this thing happen:

      1. JZ
      2. BurlyR32
      '12 STi Sedan


      • #33
        Excuse the n00b Q but whats FTP? File Transfer Protocol?

        ...and urly I oughta ban you for posting that pic in my thread.

        "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"


        • #34
          FTP is Mannys shop, Federal Tubing Products, at Hurontario St/Derry Rd.

          3 Acres of industrial, big lot
          '12 STi Sedan


          • #35
            Ah, good ol Federal.

            "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"


            • #36
              Originally posted by JZ View Post
              So can anyone suggest a place and time? After 9pm works best for me.
              are you sure? isn't that past your bed time ol'man? :P
              Team TBA sponsored by YOKOHAMA: YOKOHAMA, Feast AE/RS, Titoboy Approved, Importfest, NextMOD, DSPEED.

     "like" us #doWhatULove


              • #37
                Doesn't metter for me eather.(but Pur Auto is preffered) But we got to make it clear where. I think because JZ started this thread and because he has tigh scedule. Let him choose where.

                We can continue to chat where and how we can GET there. Otherwise it will be scattered all over the city.

                JZ, your word ?
                When the sun goes down, RPMs go up !


                • #38
                  Neal, you should talk.

                  Pur sounds good to me. Can someone check with Pur? I know BBR32 is not around these days with family **** and he's my only contact.

                  "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"


                  • #39
                    OK, I spoke to Peter at NextMod and he's willing to host a meet for us.

                    So location will be NextMod
                    290 Yorktech Drive
                    Unit 27
                    Markham Ontario

                    Time 9pm!

                    "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"


                    • #40
                      beautiful! west enders, do you want to meet up somewhere central, like 403/dundas, and cruise out there? its a 45 min drive for me, Id rather do it with others
                      Victory is on the horizon..


                      • #41
                        cant make it sorry guys


                        • #42
                          nice. i'll make sure peter gets the bbq ready.

                          also people should bring cash when they go there. you will find nice goodies you guys can buy.
                          Devil R sponsored by:
                 and Popformance

                          Some people try to get attention by bashing me. Go ahead you're only giving me more publicity. <3's haters


                          • #43
                            Goodies, I love goodies. Nice, so the location is set. If there is no rain I'll bring my skyline and a friend with 240
                            When the sun goes down, RPMs go up !


                            • #44
                              Hey guys! Its Fiddy from PUR auto.
                              If you guys are interested in holding the meet at PUR auto I may be willing to set up a DYNO shootout!!!

                              Let me know and I'll go pick up some hot dogs and Hamburgers for the barbecue


                              • #45
                                Thanks for the kind offer Fiddy but I think we're gonna be set. I don't want to change locations and confuse people.

                                "Life's too short to drive boring cars!"

