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Job market in the Toronto and Greater TO area

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  • #31
    I'd say per-capita... there are far more BMW dealers in the west end than the east end. Once you're east of the DVP, Endras is the only BMW dealer between Toronto and Ottawa.

    EDIT: There's about as much money east as there is west as there is north.
    Race. Win. Live.


    • #32
      That's one of the big differences from Van and TO. The money.

      I'll try my luck at all of them. We'll see how it goes. I'm such a spur of the moment person. I am in NO way ready to just up and leave east right now. But if I get an offer I think I would make something work. I would have to leave teh rex here I think for the first bit. And I have way too much **** to pack up. FML.



      • #33
        There is also Mississauga BMW. You should also look in terms of how many affiliated dealers they have. Some times they spread there tech's around when a certain dealer is slow, this will save you from being broke if you work on per car pay. budds is nice know the owner since our company does buisness with him. There are also a few lexus dealerships close by. Allot of dealerships here actually. If you want a busy dealership mississauga BMW, Toronto BMW, And budds BMW tend to be in higher income area's. Also check on the website you may see a couple listings for government vehicle techs. Also check out Halton region police services web site, Toronto Polices web site, and Peel region polices web site, they do all there vehicle maintainence and repairs in house to save money so if you get in to one of those nice government job you will be golden. Hope this helps in your search. And when you get here we shall duel!.

        P.S get a map and search the names of cities you want to live/work in and check there website see what there hiring for.!
        You can't doubt the existance of hell when you live in it


        • #34
          I'm not a mechanic. I'm in sales.

          And I'm only really looking at teh BMW dealerships that sell motorcycles.


