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Feb 11/12 skyline meet??? Vancouver

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  • Feb 11/12 skyline meet??? Vancouver

    Hey guys/gals the weather have been better and looks like Saturday is goin to be a sunny day and I'm planning on putting insurance on the her tonight so if anyone up for a meet on saturday, 12pm and meet new faces and we can go for a cruise afterwards if anyone is up for it! Please feel free to post

    Feb 11/12
    Ikea parking lot (laughed hwy)

    1. Speed
    TOP SECRET- 85%
    91 accord exr - DD
    R32 GTR - summer car SOLD
    R33 GTST (sold)
    91 civic hb (swap motor) - sold

  • #2
    Im free on sat

    1. Speed
    2. Fwd suck
    90 ca powered sil80 (sold )
    90 r32 gtr (toy)


    • #3
      com'on guys itll be a great sunny day on saturday, great day to take her out n for a quick rip!
      TOP SECRET- 85%
      91 accord exr - DD
      R32 GTR - summer car SOLD
      R33 GTST (sold)
      91 civic hb (swap motor) - sold


      • #4
        if i was a little closer i would for sure!!! damn this town, im pretty much the only one with skyline on the roads. if theirs some this summer you should let me know! love meeting new people.
        89 r32 sedan


        • #5
          Ya sure it'll be more meets to come, hope to see u in spring/summer time
          TOP SECRET- 85%
          91 accord exr - DD
          R32 GTR - summer car SOLD
          R33 GTST (sold)
          91 civic hb (swap motor) - sold


          • #6
            i want to.. but i can't this weekend. have fun tho!
            1992 R32 GTS-T Type M


            • #7
              i would go but got work on sat
              Toy: BNR32
              DD: R50


              • #8
                Won't make it this time but for anyone that may be interested I am going to f440 to do a day of kart racing. Have your meet there and do some kart racing while your there!

                Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


                • #9
                  woo first meet and cars just back from paint. im there. when you say feb 11/12 @ 12pm, do you mean 12am? saturday night/sunday morning at midnight? or saturday at noon. Thanks!

                  1. Speed
                  2. Fwd suck
                  3. evolution23
                  Last edited by evolution23; 02-09-2012, 08:28 PM.
                  1989 GTR - summer toy
                  2011 Ram - winter beater


                  • #10
                    saturday noon sharp!
                    if theyre is only a few ppl going do you guys still want to have a meet? cause im still up for it!
                    TOP SECRET- 85%
                    91 accord exr - DD
                    R32 GTR - summer car SOLD
                    R33 GTST (sold)
                    91 civic hb (swap motor) - sold


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by speed View Post
                      saturday noon sharp!
                      if theyre is only a few ppl going do you guys still want to have a meet? cause im still up for it!
                      Yeah im still down, just moved here so always looking to meet some people. there might be another skyline coming with me as well. So saturday at noon sounds good to me.
                      Last edited by evolution23; 02-09-2012, 09:28 PM.
                      1989 GTR - summer toy
                      2011 Ram - winter beater


                      • #12
                        Sounds good!! Hope too see some new faces
                        TOP SECRET- 85%
                        91 accord exr - DD
                        R32 GTR - summer car SOLD
                        R33 GTST (sold)
                        91 civic hb (swap motor) - sold


                        • #13
                          im still in hopefully more will show up
                          90 ca powered sil80 (sold )
                          90 r32 gtr (toy)


                          • #14
                            i got rain for saturday on the weather network iphone app.... buttt i might be down.


                            • #15
                              Just show up Richard it'll be underground If it rains!
                              TOP SECRET- 85%
                              91 accord exr - DD
                              R32 GTR - summer car SOLD
                              R33 GTST (sold)
                              91 civic hb (swap motor) - sold

