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stereo problem doors speakers and rears cut out. Really Annoyng Help!!

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  • stereo problem doors speakers and rears cut out. Really Annoyng Help!!

    I apologize ahead of time if this is in the wrong section just being another stupid audio question but i figured maybe the problem could be something thats a common gtr problem anyway . . .

    My door speakers and rear speakers cut in and out all the time while driving. I have subs in the back that always stay on and don't cut out. The subs are powered by a little 45rms x 2 2 channel amp (not lookin for huge bass) which i don't beleive would draw enough juice to make it a power problem. And if it was a power issue i think the subs would cut out first

    The speakers cut in and out when i go over bumps and close my door. Also if i stop at a light and it cuts out i can usually creep up 6 inches stop and it will cut back in. But . . . it also cuts out when im driving and let off the gas which would bring me back to a power supply problem.

    The problem did start after i replaced an actuater for the heat vents so i had removed the cd player but i have since removed it again and checked the connections and i don't think thats the problem. Around the same time i had removed the glove box to get at the a ac airbox a mouse made a nest in over winter :x hahahahaaha i know so funny! but don't think i could have f'd up anything to do with audio around there

    I beleive the stock amps in the ceiling in the back of the trunk. Could there be a bad connection or bad stock amp here?? My speaker box could have hit something putting it in or moving it

    At what points are all the speaker wire connected????? Are they just plain grey speaker wires?

    If everyone thinks its a power issue i guess i would do the big 3 grounding and bigger battery. If that doesn't work get a yellow top. But im thinking this is some other audio connection or electrical problem

    If i need a deep cycle battery anyone know of a cheap place to get one in edmonton?????

    Any suggestions to fix this, even basic **** would be appreciated


  • #2
    Since it happens from bump and vibrations, I'd say its a short in the electrical circuit from the pigtails being loose. Take out the unit to make sure the wires are properly secured and also whether any wires are stripped and crossing.
    Double track drift, yo.

    (oo sκylιnε oo)


    • #3
      ^+1 I couldn't see it being anything other than loose connections on the pigtails or at the speakers themselves. If you have an aftermarket deck, chances are that you should have a basic from speaker to head unit connection. Now they may have spliced in some wire to bypass the amp in the trunk so I wouldn't worry about the amp. If you didn't install check over everything. chances are that someone did a quick install and cut corners and just twisted wires together and taped the connections (shakes head) this was the case with my car. I think when you pulled the head unit out you probably. Just pulled on the wires separating them a bit or even the harness itself could be a little loose from the back of the deck. That's all I can think of.


      • #4
        Rodents like to chew on wires so you might want to look for a short or shorts in your wiring too.


        • #5
          Ive checked and re checked conections. I did the instal with crimp on connections. Didn't soder connections but maybe will try that.

          Ive been thinkin of uprgrading my cd player to alpine or something better than the one i have.(There aren't any new sweet decks WTF)

          If i do so what wireing harness do i want to get to connect to the one that comes with a new deck?? Something for a 240sx or 3000sx??
          This would 100% clarify that it can not be a connection at the head unit. All proper pluged in no slice and dice connections i have now

          In my mind it woln't be a single connection with one speaker wire because all four cut out at the same time. So some other connection but which one.

          Anybody seen sales on alpine head unit or a good head unit?

          thanks for suggestions so far guys!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by germ View Post
            Something for a 240sx or 3000sx??
            Whats a 3000sx? I lol'd so hard. =P

            Anyways I'd say its a problem with the unit itself if you've checked with a multimeter and made sure its not the wires. TBH i wouldn't mind seeing the units insides. ;P

            Actually, are you listening to CDs or is it the Radio because it might be the antenna in your windshield. If you dont wanna drop 2-3 bills on a decent new headunit you could always opt for a cheap signal booster and see if that fixs the problem.
            Last edited by Xeno-Vibe; 02-29-2012, 09:07 PM.
            Double track drift, yo.

            (oo sκylιnε oo)


            • #7
              Hahahahaha 3000sx definatly a typo funny thing is I read over it for typo's and still didn't catch that lol. So i went back to check the work that was done on the airbox behind the glove box. I payed someone to figure out the heat for me and when they put the thermatstat back into the air box there's a little grey wire that goes in a notch at the bottem of the thermastat opening and when they put the thermastat back in it it pinched the wire causing the short. Or at least this is what im thinking.

              When i pulled the thermastat out the grey wire shorted there was a spark coming from somewhere. This triggered the blower which blew dust and sh&t in my face lol. The blower was going even though the control unit wasn't on. So guessing the grey wire is a trigger wire for the blower motor? The stereo did cut out for a second when first moved the grey wire but not now when i move it around. Maybe I staightened it out enough so it's not shorting but took it for a drive right after and it still cuts out.

              At this point i was destracted a phone call, so tomorow ill take out the pinched part of the wire and put a connecter there hopefully this solves the problem.

              Rechecked headunit wiring its perfect. I tryed disconncting each wire one at a time and none cut out all 4 speakers with out loss off power so thats definatly not it. Guess it could be in the headunit itself but i think it has to do with this grey air box wire shorting out.

              Any one know this grey air box wire im talkin about? Just thinkin if it shorting it could somehow be effecting the stereo. Longshot???


              • #8
                Wiring can do strange things, it could be this wire ya never know. I had to do the same heater box job cause mice decided they liked my air box so it was completely packed and when I turned it on it wasn't even turning so I wasn't sure what was wrong and didn't pull it out for a few months and the next time I turned it on you can imagine the stink

                this link may help you with rewiring if you haven't found a Pinout already

                Or this one - ignore the install info and just scroll down to page 6 for another wire identification pic

                And ya I used a 240 harness for mine.
                Last edited by gtrjerry73; 03-01-2012, 11:31 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gtrjerry73 View Post
                  next time I turned it on you can imagine the stink
                  Not cool, man!
                  Double track drift, yo.

                  (oo sκylιnε oo)


                  • #10
                    Lol ya you should have seen me scrubbing out the box with chemicals . I think it still smells a little bit off


                    • #11
                      Thats what you get for murdering ratatouille and his family.
                      Double track drift, yo.

                      (oo sκylιnε oo)

