Hey guys and gals, just finished putting on my new polished aluminum intake to get rid of all the 90's and plastic on the stock setup. Since its been on the car has been randomly cutting power when cruising. My foot wont move on the gas the car will cut power, then resume, then cut, then resume, then rather cut power until i pull over and let it stall or it'll stop and go back to normal. Im hitting full boost and it idles fine. Whenever i put the clutch in or go to neutral the revs drop to 0 instead of stopping at around 1000. The battery light pops up and the car shutters and struggles its way back to to the 1000rpm idle. Anyone ever had these symptoms? Very nervous :P I just did a ecu check and it threw me a code 12 = Air flow meter. I had my MAFS (Which look brand new) sprayed with MAF cleaner and it didnt do anything. Please help! Thanks so much!
Heres some pics of the setup, let me know if you want to see specific picture. THANKS!

Heres some pics of the setup, let me know if you want to see specific picture. THANKS!
