Sept 25 - Update: The problem with the erratic running/rich idle and lack of acceleration repairs itself often, seems to be related to length of time driven and how hard? bumps? heat? unknown.
If you shut the vehicle off for 1 minute or less and restart the problem comes back right away! Unable to determine what makes the problem return. ???? Any more takers, attempting to get a scan from local Nissan dealer if they can help.
Being a mechanic for over 30 years who mostly built American hot rods, (Big block Chevell’s etc. I recently became involved in my son's 89 GT-R BNR32 twin turbo "Godzilla" car. Wanting to learn as well as become more knowledgeable about these great cars. The engine appears to be 99% stock. Have engine and data plate pics available.
He just had the OEM turbo's replaced with equivalent used models for now. Old one's blew the exh impeller out the tailpipe and made lots of sparks on the highway. Neato
1. For awhile now the car when cold does not want to accelerate from idle. Serious hesitation and a rough low idle after warming up for long periods it will improve and run/idle smooth and take off like a rabbit. Problem was there before the turbo issue, has progressively gotten worse.2. The idle is rough and poor until this problem somehow occasionally/mostly corrects itself, try to drive it and it won’t pull a fat girl on a skateboard. Hit a bump sometimes and it takes off like a bullet. Shut off car for two mins or so and problem usually returns
3. Have done the basics, new plugs, new gas filter, checked and cleaned lots of wiring plugs and connections etc.
4. Car runs so rich I am afraid you could light the tailpipe and have a neat flamed exhaust like a nitro car.
Q1. A question is can these cars be scanned for engine codes?
Q2. Or are there diagnostic codes/blinks via any lights?
Q3. I am thinking something like the TPS (throttle pos sensor) I have not removed it or attempted adjustment yet.
Q4. Or possibly an air flow sensor, fuel pressure regulator, O2 sensor? computer problem or connection(s) to engine, corroded and or dirty wiring plugs to the engine, loose grounds? power wires.
Any suggestions would be great.
Sept 25 - Update: The problem with the erratic running/rich idle and lack of acceleration repairs itself often, seems to be related to length of time driven and how hard? bumps? heat? unknown.
If you shut the vehicle off for 1 minute or less and restart the problem comes back right away! Unable to determine what makes the problem return. ???? Any more takers, attempting to get a scan from local Nissan dealer if they can help.
Being a mechanic for over 30 years who mostly built American hot rods, (Big block Chevell’s etc. I recently became involved in my son's 89 GT-R BNR32 twin turbo "Godzilla" car. Wanting to learn as well as become more knowledgeable about these great cars. The engine appears to be 99% stock. Have engine and data plate pics available.
He just had the OEM turbo's replaced with equivalent used models for now. Old one's blew the exh impeller out the tailpipe and made lots of sparks on the highway. Neato
1. For awhile now the car when cold does not want to accelerate from idle. Serious hesitation and a rough low idle after warming up for long periods it will improve and run/idle smooth and take off like a rabbit. Problem was there before the turbo issue, has progressively gotten worse.2. The idle is rough and poor until this problem somehow occasionally/mostly corrects itself, try to drive it and it won’t pull a fat girl on a skateboard. Hit a bump sometimes and it takes off like a bullet. Shut off car for two mins or so and problem usually returns
3. Have done the basics, new plugs, new gas filter, checked and cleaned lots of wiring plugs and connections etc.
4. Car runs so rich I am afraid you could light the tailpipe and have a neat flamed exhaust like a nitro car.
Q1. A question is can these cars be scanned for engine codes?
Q2. Or are there diagnostic codes/blinks via any lights?
Q3. I am thinking something like the TPS (throttle pos sensor) I have not removed it or attempted adjustment yet.
Q4. Or possibly an air flow sensor, fuel pressure regulator, O2 sensor? computer problem or connection(s) to engine, corroded and or dirty wiring plugs to the engine, loose grounds? power wires.
Any suggestions would be great.