I'm having a limp mode problem with my gtr since I've had it. The ecu doesn't throw any codes when it happens, but i think I've narrowed it down to mafs. I swaped a pair a mafs in and car ran fine for 3 days, go to drive off to work and my car is in limp mode. Check the obvious thing first, codes, got a 55, reset the ecu anyways just in case, still in limp mode. Checked the forums to see other people who had limp mode problems, most seem to be maf related, so I picked up a pair of good mafs and switched the rear maf first, problem solved no limp mode. Went to pick up a maf to replace the bad one, put it in everything still good. Drive another 3 days, then my limp mode comes back. Checked the ecu, again, code 55. Call up my buddy and get his mafs again, switched the rear one, no change, switch the front one, car is no longer in limp mode. So i go buy another maf and again back to normal. Another 3 days and the car goes into limp mode again. So this time I decide to check the wiring, continuity test, voltage drop. Go to do my visual inspection of the wiring I find the plugs had been cut by the previous owner and new maf plugs soldered in about 6 inch's from the plug. Both are correctly wired. I also took the time to check, tps, cas, air leaks, ignitor swaped with a known working one, no change, still in limp mode. I even changed the ecu with a known working one and still nada.
I recently got my hands on a consult cable so I will be able to check real time data and see whats going on tomorrow when i go work on the car.
If anyone has any idea what my problem could be I'm pretty much out of them myself.
Mods on the car:
-M's intake with K&M filters, not oiled
-gt2860-7 turbo's bought brand new about 200km's ago.
-boost controller
-blitz bov's not recirc, I was running the car with stock setup at first and still had this limp mode problem.
-Stock fuel pump, wired directly to battery.
Everything else is stock.
Any input will be appreciated, I'm tired of throwing mafs at this thing and getting the same problem all the time.
I know it would be possible to fix my problem with nistune/any stand alone but that is not in the budget right now.
The only thing i would have access to would be an emanage blue, but no tuners around that want to work with it.
I recently got my hands on a consult cable so I will be able to check real time data and see whats going on tomorrow when i go work on the car.
If anyone has any idea what my problem could be I'm pretty much out of them myself.
Mods on the car:
-M's intake with K&M filters, not oiled
-gt2860-7 turbo's bought brand new about 200km's ago.
-boost controller
-blitz bov's not recirc, I was running the car with stock setup at first and still had this limp mode problem.
-Stock fuel pump, wired directly to battery.
Everything else is stock.
Any input will be appreciated, I'm tired of throwing mafs at this thing and getting the same problem all the time.
I know it would be possible to fix my problem with nistune/any stand alone but that is not in the budget right now.
The only thing i would have access to would be an emanage blue, but no tuners around that want to work with it.