I did some reading but couldn't put anything together from what I found. Here's the situation.
I had the car tuned by Robin at Almasi and everything worked great.
I drove the car part of the day friday (normal city/hwy) with no issue.
Saturday I was at the track, I did two sessions with no problem and on the third ran dangerously low on fuel and when I got back to the pits I had a hunting idle.
I fuelled up and ran the car again with everything running great off idle but still a hunting idle with a A/F around 17:1.
As soon as I turn on the A/C the idle is perfect with a perfect A/F.
I drove the car home from Quebec and got an easy 27 MPG.
I had the car tuned by Robin at Almasi and everything worked great.
I drove the car part of the day friday (normal city/hwy) with no issue.
Saturday I was at the track, I did two sessions with no problem and on the third ran dangerously low on fuel and when I got back to the pits I had a hunting idle.
I fuelled up and ran the car again with everything running great off idle but still a hunting idle with a A/F around 17:1.
As soon as I turn on the A/C the idle is perfect with a perfect A/F.
I drove the car home from Quebec and got an easy 27 MPG.