so i blew up my turbo on my skyline so i figured i might as well build it so if you guys could just give me some pointers on what brands would be good and what are bad and what not just kinda set me on a good starting track id really appreciate it! i already have a full exhaust big fmic, and a bov.. my goal is going to be around 490-530rwhp so I'm thinking a header with a top mount, turbo I'm not sure of yet (suggestions)? throttle body (sizes/brand)? injectors thinking 1000cc (brand)? fuel pump not sure if a walbro 255 will work and I've heard good and bad about them, different intake (brand)? and defiantly considering the aem standalone 2 because if i ever decide to actually build the bottom end ill never need a new tuner.. I'm not sure what I'm going to need for head work so input on that would be great and if i missed anything please throw it in there, thanks guys! I'm pretty excited to do this even though the car is gonna sit till next summer at least