well its finally almost done. Paid 7,500 after everything (paint is coming). What you guys think so far. Went from having bolted on rear gtr fenders to a cleaner look. 2 inch rear spacers and 1 inch in the front. rb25 with 100,000kms. The car used to belong to RR32GTRR then he sold it to someone that bolted on those nasty fenders. I paid the guy i got it from 2 grand to repaint it and fix the mess he made (grill, lights, spacers, paint, body work,) ontop of the 5,500 initial price. Hood pins were removed from cf hood, cleaner look imo.

Before anything was done.

bolted right ontop...

removed to see the mess underneath.

CF hood.. it actually flew up and smashed the window beacuswe the latch was messed so alot of work had to be done(it got pretty mashed)



decent work done to the hood. It was pretty mashed up.

Before anything was done.

bolted right ontop...

removed to see the mess underneath.

CF hood.. it actually flew up and smashed the window beacuswe the latch was messed so alot of work had to be done(it got pretty mashed)



decent work done to the hood. It was pretty mashed up.
