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  • Maf

    I have yet another question about a maf lol would it hurt my car to drive with a bad maf just to and from work it's like a 10 minute drive

  • #2
    nope it will just run like a bag of cr ap


    • #3
      Ok I heard it might run lean and burn the pistons ?? Is this true ?


      • #4
        depends what way it goes, sometimes it runs rich sometimes lean, sometimes won't run at all. Don't go bagging the hell out of it but if you just have to slowly drive it down the street for 10 min it won't do any harm. If the Maf is shot probably won't rev high enough to do any damage anyways


        • #5
          Yea it bogs out and wont rev over 4000 but then sometimes it runs perfectly fine and dosent bog at all and the other day it heated up and wouldent start at all untill it cooled down


          • #6
            ya i wouldn't worry about it, chances are its running rich because it goes into a safe mode. Worst case you'll fowl a set a plugs. Motor will be fine.


            • #7
              Running really rich is dangerous too. It can wash down cylinder walls with gas and dilute your oil reducing it's ability to lubricate over a short period of time depending on how rich it is.


              • #8
                lol your missing the point, he's gotta drive it ten minutes not across canada, not gonna do a thing to the motor, no bagging, no long term over fueling.

                Seriously man just do what u gotta do with it and don't worry about it. Many people have done far more hateful things than your going to do diagnosing a maf.


                • #9
                  Not to sound like an ass but why not just park it and hoof it to work if it's such a short distance?

                  I'm pretty much in the same boat but with my fuel pump going and rather thn risk something happening and turning a cheap repair into an expensive one I figure it's better to just suffer for a week or two.

                  Just my .02.
                  Sideways is the best ways.


                  • #10
                    Because when i go to work it is early in the morning and it's the only way to get there and does that sound like a bad maf


                    • #11
                      oh you work taking it to work lol. I missed that. I thought it was going to a shop, i agree hoof it lol.


                      • #12
                        Get some CRC MAF cleaner and clean MAF hotwire (how to in link below) -

                        Introducing the ORIGINAL CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner.Stop using aggressive chemicals to clean sensitive MAF sensors!If you've got a dirty mass air flow ...

                        Then check for airleaks (hose clamp, crack in rubber intake piping) after MAF, as can make engine stutter, etc. Then pop lid, resolder bad solders inside MAF. You'll need some high temp black silicon sealant to reseal around square lid on MAF housing to keep water, dust, etc out.

                        If still playing up, then replace MAF. Or could be fuelpump, clogged fuelfilter, which can be checked via plumbing in fuel pressure gauge between fuelrail, fuelfilter. Should be around 35.5psi at idle with vacuum hose to FPR (Fuel Pressure Regulator) connected for RB20DET, RB26DETT.
                        Last edited by Skym; 08-23-2010, 03:55 PM.
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