okay perfect thanks i will look into it more. So i put the car in reverse with the brakes on no clunk. However i was playing around and did notice that if i let the clutch start to engage and then quickly push the pedal back to the floor i get a rattle in the drive line. this leads me to believe that its driveline related not wheel bearings or tie rods and which would make sense that when i turn corners it gets louder and clunker. However i still don't know what it could be.
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Loud Clunking
If have a multi plate clutch, the rattle seems to be normal part of how it works. Clunk, harshness is probably related to the clutch engaging, disengaging, as it has a solid centre disc, not spring centre disc like factory clutch. But solid centre clutch disc does damage gearbox, etc.
Wheel bearings are fairly easy to check. When car is off ground, grab bottom, top of tyre. Push top in and pull bottom out and the repeat the other way to see if there's play. Side to side is to check for steering rack play, etc.RESPONSE MONSTER
The most epic signature ever "epic".
Hey guys so bit of an update. I didn't have a chance to bring vehicle in yet. Now I am beginning to get a better understating of what is going on. I have noticed when I am driving along low in rpms and I push off and on the throttle I get rattling and almost the sound of what happens right before it clunks at low speeds. Also if I am about 60km and below and turn the wheel so the car is at a certain angle to the left I also get rattle. There is also a high speed like 140 and above steering wheel shake but nothing shaking In the steering wheel below that. If also seems more prominent turn to the left vs right. Thanks again for all the help guys really appreciate it.