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Removing R32 Tail Lights

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  • Removing R32 Tail Lights

    I need to remove the plastic shields around my tail lights for repaint. is there any screws that hold the plastic moldings on? or do they just clip on? PLEASE let me no how to remove them

  • #2
    I belieive they're held on by an adhesive. Don't quote me though, but if they're like headlamps it's a really gooey adhesive that takes minimal heat to melt. Almost like tar.
    Last edited by Ghost; 06-22-2011, 08:38 PM.
    You gotta pay to play.


    • #3
      you will need to use a heat gun to soften up the sticky material helping keep them sealed to the car. and once doing that, the plastic cover you want to change in colour is held on by 6 small screws. I have one taken apart right now.
      Originally posted by Paradis
      ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


      • #4
        Do u remove the carpet in the trunk on the outer wall behind the tail lights to get them out..


        • #5
          Yes... It held by plastic clips... And the assembly itself is bolted on by I think 4-5 nuts?
          Last edited by Ghost; 06-22-2011, 11:19 PM.
          You gotta pay to play.


          • #6
            As for the black sealant used to keep the water out, it can be ordered from Nissan. Part # B6553-89915.


            • #7
              Pretty much what others said. The taillights hold to the car with a few bolts and a lot of sealant/adhesive. You'll need to remove 4-5 trim panels in the trunk to get to them, but the real pain is removing that sealant. I ended up using lots of silicon lubricant which melted the sealant very quickly (it's safe for the paint). The shield can then be taken off by removing 5 or 6 screws. Some of them can be buried behind the sealant.

