I know that one of the hard lines going into the intake is the pipe from the bov but what is the other?
In the spring I plan on going to front facing plenum and a vta bov so I will be getting rid of that line, and I will be running a map sensor instead of the maf so if possible, I'd like to put a filter just right on my turbo and get rid of all that piping. Can I get rid of the other line, and how would I go about it anyway? I know I've seen pics of people with top mount turbos and not using those lines obviously, but is it easy or worth it to do?
In the spring I plan on going to front facing plenum and a vta bov so I will be getting rid of that line, and I will be running a map sensor instead of the maf so if possible, I'd like to put a filter just right on my turbo and get rid of all that piping. Can I get rid of the other line, and how would I go about it anyway? I know I've seen pics of people with top mount turbos and not using those lines obviously, but is it easy or worth it to do?