So finally got back into a skyline, picked up a 1994 GTS-25T with 91xxx km's. Car runs and drives great but i have 2 quick little questions.
1. If i turn the key and start it right away it takes about 2 seconds before it fires but if i give it a few seconds to let the pump prime the system it fires almost instantly, is this normal? (does have turbo timer, could this have anything to do with it?)
2. the car is running stock boost still but when the turbo spools up at WOT the car pops (backfires?) I stop immediately when it does this. If i ease into the pedal it doesn't seem to do it.
Could it be the pump is getting weak so it starts to lean out at WOT? I am going to take it to Monkey Nutz Racing tomorrow and see if they can help me out with this but just wondering if anyone knows or has any suggestions of what it could be. (plugs, pump, CAS, timing, etc..) previous owner said it started doing this after he removed the silencer in the exhaust and figured it was a stock rev limiter?
Pic of the new skyline!
1. If i turn the key and start it right away it takes about 2 seconds before it fires but if i give it a few seconds to let the pump prime the system it fires almost instantly, is this normal? (does have turbo timer, could this have anything to do with it?)
2. the car is running stock boost still but when the turbo spools up at WOT the car pops (backfires?) I stop immediately when it does this. If i ease into the pedal it doesn't seem to do it.
Could it be the pump is getting weak so it starts to lean out at WOT? I am going to take it to Monkey Nutz Racing tomorrow and see if they can help me out with this but just wondering if anyone knows or has any suggestions of what it could be. (plugs, pump, CAS, timing, etc..) previous owner said it started doing this after he removed the silencer in the exhaust and figured it was a stock rev limiter?
Pic of the new skyline!
