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Trouble shifting

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  • Trouble shifting

    In my '91 GTS-T, when I first start it up sometimes I will not want to go into gear. After a minute or two It will go into 5th and reverse, and over time it will let me go into the other gears. It's a fight at first but as more time goes by it gets easier to shift. I can put it in gear easily when the car is off, and start it, and when I take it out of gear while it is on it is a fight to get it back into gear again. Any ideas what may be wrong?
    '91 Skyline GTS-T

  • #2
    Hey man have you checked your fluid levels? when was the last time your trannt fluid was changed, if so what you put in?

    I know with my tranny It takes a couple minutes to warm up (as you should let you car do) before I can move threw the gears smothly.

    I put Redline 75-90 Light weight shock proof in it.
    Traction is optional, so are zipties

    92 Gtst/Silver bullet


    • #3
      Clutch slave?
      R33 GTST RB25DET series 1
      Stock motor, holset HX40, power fc d-jetro, bolt ons, 20psi = 492rwhp 364 lbft


      • #4
        Well it seems like when the clutch is to the floor, it is not fully disengaged thus making the shifting harder. I was sitting at a red light on a slight incline in first, and when I let my foot off the brake it didn't roll backwards it was rolling forward, so maybe I have to tighten the clutch cable?
        '91 Skyline GTS-T


        • #5
          Originally posted by Siscub View Post
          Well it seems like when the clutch is to the floor, it is not fully disengaged thus making the shifting harder. I was sitting at a red light on a slight incline in first, and when I let my foot off the brake it didn't roll backwards it was rolling forward, so maybe I have to tighten the clutch cable?
          Hydro not cable. Check fluid, might need to replace slave. Possible air in Res/lines

          Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


          • #6
            mine was just as bad as this till i threw quality tranny fluid in. can totally relate, fighting to get it in first gear when cold.. mine is much better now, but like above^ air in lines, or clutch slave should further fix the problem
            1992 R32 GTS-T Type M


            • #7
              That sounds definitely like a clutch hydraulic issue (either Master or slave cylinder) Since when you press the clutch pedal down, the clutch is still engaged/partially engaged. The slave is the easiest to change and I'd start there first or at least check to see if there is air in the system.
              1992 Nissan Skyline GT-R - SOLD
              1995 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type-RA - Rod knock, then sold
              2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STi


              • #8
                How do I go about checking? Is it hard to do myself or should I take it in?
                '91 Skyline GTS-T


                • #9
                  Now it will not go into gear at all, when I try the car starts to move forward ever so slightly. If I put it in gear when it is off and try starting it the car rolls forward as I crank. And it goes into reverse fine except once it's in reverse the car starts moving as if I'm not on the clutch and I'm giving it a little gas.
                  Last edited by Siscub; 04-14-2012, 12:09 AM.
                  '91 Skyline GTS-T


                  • #10
                    bleed your system only takes a budddy a jack and like an 8 or 10 mm wrench check for leaks where it could suck in air or replace clutch slave


                    • #11
                      Slave - Jack car up, slide your self under driver side, locate slave which is bolted to the side of tranny.
                      Gently pull little rubber boot on slave till you can see the plunger, if u have any fluid inside boot or area you have a leak in your slave cylinder. Inside the boot should be dry.

                      Master - Locate master cylinder, look for leaking fluid on fire wall in engine bay and firewall in the interior of your car.

                      I put Royal Purple syncromax in my RB20 tranny, made shifting so much smoother. Highly recommended.
                      Last edited by beacher1B0; 04-14-2012, 07:11 AM.


                      • #12
                        My best bet is you need to bleed your clutch lines. I had a similiar issue and figured my clutch was screwed and turned out it only needed to be bled
                        Originally posted by Robski
                        do you really want something a guy with a Civic has?


                        • #13
                          I think that may be it, and when I looked under my dash at the clutch assembly something seemed loose as the whole pedal was moving to the left and right a bit and it feels weird to push now.
                          '91 Skyline GTS-T


                          • #14
                            You may also have a broken clutch pedal bracket.


                            • #15
                              Yup that is exactly it, I just found that out today.
                              '91 Skyline GTS-T

