Originally posted by Siscub
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Rear Ball joint removal
Not sure how else you'd do it without grinding that lip off/what other tool you could use...I take it you don't have access to an air compressor? If you do then Mastercraft has a $60 Cut Off Tool. If not I saw a few angle grinders that were electric on their site too. Seeing that you're in MJ, you don't have a lot of options...
And yes a ball joint press would be awesome except if you can't find one to rent, they aren't the cheapest tool to buy (since they usually come in a kit and a decent one is around $200) And that's awesome that you had room in there for a ball joint press man. I could barely fit the pitman arm puller in the + ratchet. I guess if you were to take the rear axles out too that would free up space but that's even more work.1992 Nissan Skyline GT-R - SOLD
1995 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type-RA - Rod knock, then sold
2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STi
Moose jaw have a part source? Auto value? they have a loan-a-tool program, lots of different stuff,doesn't cost anything, but I'm in same boat, every time I go its already out, I'm too cheap to buy one, 315 bucks but it's a pretty nice kit, and it is kinda a bitch to figure out how to use it or what cups to use, I think I still had to use a deep socket to press it in. I can see the pitman arm puller working too, but wondering about the new one, can u pull the new one in with the pitman arm puller, but I guess with that ams kit it's not a ball joint but does it get pressed in there?
No to reinstall you use a socket and hammerLots of lube too!!! You may have to even heat it up while pounding it back in too. I should also say be careful when pouding it back in. The outerlip will only take so much abuse before it's damaged. Don't ask me how I know!
Yes MJ has a Part Source so they may have a ball joint press to be able to get rented out and yeah that was my issue when I did mine...I'm not gunna pay 200+ for a tool that I'll use once. Turns out we had one all along where I work lol but in the end the Pitman arm puller, grinder, socket and hammer got them in and out.Last edited by krarks; 03-30-2012, 09:32 PM.1992 Nissan Skyline GT-R - SOLD
1995 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Type-RA - Rod knock, then sold
2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STi
I'm borrowing my friends grinder tomorrow, I doused all the nuts/bolts with PB blaster so that should loosen it up over night, I have my propane torch all ready since heat helps and I'll have to pick up some lube and a mallet for putting the new bushing/ball joint in. If all goes well I should be done tomorrow other than a wheel alignment.'91 Skyline GTS-T