So I need to pass emissions test. I failed horrendously, which I'm assuming is from running rich, which is what the guy at the shop suggested.
Now, I have an appointment for a complete diagnostic to figure out the issue, which is going to run me ~$150. If I'm going to spend all that money for them just to say it's the sensor, I'd rather replace the sensor, pay for another e-test and hopefully pass.
Now, what I've found on here in my research is that it's the same as a 300zx TT sensor.
The only sensor I have is on the turbo elbow
Since the Z32 sensor is for a cat, would it still work for me?
I did not do my engine swap, so I don't know if there should be a sensor elsewhere. I'm no mechanic, but my understanding is OBDI is only one O2 sensor right?
Now, I have an appointment for a complete diagnostic to figure out the issue, which is going to run me ~$150. If I'm going to spend all that money for them just to say it's the sensor, I'd rather replace the sensor, pay for another e-test and hopefully pass.
Now, what I've found on here in my research is that it's the same as a 300zx TT sensor.
The only sensor I have is on the turbo elbow
Since the Z32 sensor is for a cat, would it still work for me?
I did not do my engine swap, so I don't know if there should be a sensor elsewhere. I'm no mechanic, but my understanding is OBDI is only one O2 sensor right?