so i was trying to figure out this problem with skym over pm but i still haven't had any luck so i figured i would post this here so maybe if others get the same problem this will help resolve any issues.
so far what ive done is.
1.) brand new TPS from nissan set at .45v and .5v no luck.
2.)cleaned aacv and air regulator.
3.)aac plugged in and unplugged the issue is erratic, some times the car will idle fine and then others it will idle horribly (ive attached a video of whats going on)
4.) changed o2 sensor, and run engine with it unplugged.
5.) ran engine with maf unplugged, no dice
6.)i pressurized the whole system up to 20psi and fixed a couple small leaks, (except for a really small leak between intake manifold and head, tightening the bolts made it almost nonexistent)

i bought a new aacv off a member so when that gets here ill try that and post the results. if that doesn't fix it i think im going to have to pull the intake manifold off get a new gasket and possibly skim the intake manifold true.
or could anything else be the culprit, bad MAF or ecu maybe, or maybs timing belt skiped a tooth.
so far what ive done is.
1.) brand new TPS from nissan set at .45v and .5v no luck.
2.)cleaned aacv and air regulator.
3.)aac plugged in and unplugged the issue is erratic, some times the car will idle fine and then others it will idle horribly (ive attached a video of whats going on)
4.) changed o2 sensor, and run engine with it unplugged.
5.) ran engine with maf unplugged, no dice
6.)i pressurized the whole system up to 20psi and fixed a couple small leaks, (except for a really small leak between intake manifold and head, tightening the bolts made it almost nonexistent)

i bought a new aacv off a member so when that gets here ill try that and post the results. if that doesn't fix it i think im going to have to pull the intake manifold off get a new gasket and possibly skim the intake manifold true.
or could anything else be the culprit, bad MAF or ecu maybe, or maybs timing belt skiped a tooth.