As some may know we have quite a few non-Z's and non-Japanese vehicles in our fleet and amongst clientele. These include several clients with rides outside and in addition to the Z Realm. These vehicles fall into our 'Prestige Division'.
Now with vehicles such as these we often get the question as to how much do one of these cost to maintain
Not cheap is the short answer.
Since the DB9 was scheduled for it's yearly oil change we decided to give people a look into what one of these services entail.
First of all the Oil filters will have to be sourced from Aston Martin at $91 CDN a pop. The oil on these require a 0W40 or 5W40 Synthetic. The DB9 is a thirsty beast with 12 cylinders and commands 10 litres! You can see how much the typical oil change will run. Dealerships in Canada charge around $600 for the oil change w/filter and labour! Most services will not be under $1000.00! The Spark plug Service requires the V12 plenum to be lifted and with an oil change/service it will cost nearly $2000.00!
Now for some pics! Thought I'd start with some eye candy from ZNat's and ZCon '09

Models Having Fun with the car:

DB9 on the hoist - special rubber blocks are used for the European Cars due to the mounting points:

Now to get to the aluminum oil pan you must remove the metal panels underneath! Check out the ducting!

Engine Bay - just when you thought the Z was tight:

Oil Filter is accessed from the top. Removal of the left side intake plumbing and throttle body is required.

The oil used for the Engine and Diff flush along with filter. The Rear diff also utilizes a filter within the housing at a cost of over $300 and has an external cooler.

Last shot is of the DB9 strapped to a dyno.

Something most DB9's will never see. We pulled a few baseline runs before any of the mods are performed to document results. The sound of the V12 is very nice. The 2005/2006 DB9 is reported to have 470 bhp from the box and it delivered as advertised (400 whp). We will post a vid and dyno shortly
The power delivery on the street is quite impressive for a car with this stature - it puts all the power down very efficiently. It is at the end of the day a Grand Touring Automobile with some bite and alot of stature. We will see how they respond to mods 
Now with vehicles such as these we often get the question as to how much do one of these cost to maintain

Since the DB9 was scheduled for it's yearly oil change we decided to give people a look into what one of these services entail.
First of all the Oil filters will have to be sourced from Aston Martin at $91 CDN a pop. The oil on these require a 0W40 or 5W40 Synthetic. The DB9 is a thirsty beast with 12 cylinders and commands 10 litres! You can see how much the typical oil change will run. Dealerships in Canada charge around $600 for the oil change w/filter and labour! Most services will not be under $1000.00! The Spark plug Service requires the V12 plenum to be lifted and with an oil change/service it will cost nearly $2000.00!
Now for some pics! Thought I'd start with some eye candy from ZNat's and ZCon '09

Models Having Fun with the car:

DB9 on the hoist - special rubber blocks are used for the European Cars due to the mounting points:

Now to get to the aluminum oil pan you must remove the metal panels underneath! Check out the ducting!

Engine Bay - just when you thought the Z was tight:

Oil Filter is accessed from the top. Removal of the left side intake plumbing and throttle body is required.

The oil used for the Engine and Diff flush along with filter. The Rear diff also utilizes a filter within the housing at a cost of over $300 and has an external cooler.

Last shot is of the DB9 strapped to a dyno.

Something most DB9's will never see. We pulled a few baseline runs before any of the mods are performed to document results. The sound of the V12 is very nice. The 2005/2006 DB9 is reported to have 470 bhp from the box and it delivered as advertised (400 whp). We will post a vid and dyno shortly
