first do this at your own risk!
18 gage wire appox 6-7 ft
inline fuse
15amp fuse for inline
electrical tape
(butt splice connectors)
1. locate your parking light plug (under the hood back of the light)
at the back there should be 2 wires
1 - black (live) and 1- red or yellow (mines red i have s1)
i loosened my windshield washer res for better access
2. rig up your inline fuse and 18 gage wire
3. find your hole in firewall driver side behind strutt tower
(other wires with go here there will be a big rubber gromit)
4. feed through your wire becareful it doesnt straight down or it comes out at the tire
( it will feed throught to behind the accelerator/fuse box area) you may see it you may need to dig)
5.go back to your light and cut back the rubber sleeve
(if theres water cut it back far enought so water doesn't reck it)
6. shave off some rubber from the red parking light wire and wrap the exposed wire from your inline fuse to this red parking light and tape or t or whatever it off
7.cigarette lighter fuse is 4th from bottom right hand side in fuse box
wrap one side of a prong and stick back in your fuse box
8.stand back and look like you knew what you were doing the whole time
will post pics later
18 gage wire appox 6-7 ft
inline fuse
15amp fuse for inline
electrical tape
(butt splice connectors)
1. locate your parking light plug (under the hood back of the light)
at the back there should be 2 wires
1 - black (live) and 1- red or yellow (mines red i have s1)
i loosened my windshield washer res for better access
2. rig up your inline fuse and 18 gage wire
3. find your hole in firewall driver side behind strutt tower
(other wires with go here there will be a big rubber gromit)
4. feed through your wire becareful it doesnt straight down or it comes out at the tire
( it will feed throught to behind the accelerator/fuse box area) you may see it you may need to dig)
5.go back to your light and cut back the rubber sleeve
(if theres water cut it back far enought so water doesn't reck it)
6. shave off some rubber from the red parking light wire and wrap the exposed wire from your inline fuse to this red parking light and tape or t or whatever it off
7.cigarette lighter fuse is 4th from bottom right hand side in fuse box
wrap one side of a prong and stick back in your fuse box
8.stand back and look like you knew what you were doing the whole time
will post pics later