Geez, Sean, you must get a little tired of all the people who post asking how you guys bring in Skylines and get them legalized and you reply with the same straight forward answers time and time again (see the FreshAlloy board).
Glad your on this board as your knowledge is pretty much head and shoulders above most. And I agree that being the only one that offers a certain product, doesn't necessarily make it a monopoly. The information to legalize skylines has always been out there, just no one has gone to the extent you guys have to find them, apply it to the situation, and fund the costs involved.
Glad your on this board as your knowledge is pretty much head and shoulders above most. And I agree that being the only one that offers a certain product, doesn't necessarily make it a monopoly. The information to legalize skylines has always been out there, just no one has gone to the extent you guys have to find them, apply it to the situation, and fund the costs involved.