Took my car to our local napa autopro for a wheel alignment since they are a block away from where i work. Went in there expection $100 bucks all said and done and 1 hour to do. 1.5 hours in i get a call. "We need to reschedual because we can't figure out your adjustable suspension and have to take the front end apart.
At this point i start getting worried.
So i explain to the moron's how they work when he question me installing them and thinking i'm a complete retard. So i tell them how to do it then another our goes by. By this time i'm sweating bullets. Then i see my car drive by, i was like alright well they got it figured out. 20 minutes later i get a call to go pick it up.
So i go pick up my car, they spent 3 hours instead of the alotted 1-1.5 hours and charged me for 2 hours so my $100 dollar alignment turned into a $200 dollar one. Not happy right there. Then the kid that did the alignment tells me he killed my battery somehow when it was sitting on the hoist. Brings the question to mind what kind of flipping draw did you have on it to kill a optima red top in 3 hours. So instead of making a scene at that time i pay my bill and get in my car thinking i'd feel soo much better just having my car back.
So this is where it gets interesting!!!
Get in my car start driving away, notice the gas gauge is down an 1/8th thank. My car is horrible on gas how it is but i couldn't understand how a quick drive burned 1/8th tank. I then noticed my boost controller that i made triple sure was set to low boost like i always do when giving it a shop was turned on high. Thats when i started getting upset. Then i find my second gear is grinding. Now i know they were baggin the hell out of it and missed a shift somewhere.
So i'm thinking of approaching the shop and tearing a strip out of them come tuesday.
Now one buddy suggested i stop payment on my credit card and go deal with them. I'm thinking of just going and dealing with them and see what they are willing to do about it.
What you guys think?
At this point i start getting worried.
So i explain to the moron's how they work when he question me installing them and thinking i'm a complete retard. So i tell them how to do it then another our goes by. By this time i'm sweating bullets. Then i see my car drive by, i was like alright well they got it figured out. 20 minutes later i get a call to go pick it up.
So i go pick up my car, they spent 3 hours instead of the alotted 1-1.5 hours and charged me for 2 hours so my $100 dollar alignment turned into a $200 dollar one. Not happy right there. Then the kid that did the alignment tells me he killed my battery somehow when it was sitting on the hoist. Brings the question to mind what kind of flipping draw did you have on it to kill a optima red top in 3 hours. So instead of making a scene at that time i pay my bill and get in my car thinking i'd feel soo much better just having my car back.
So this is where it gets interesting!!!
Get in my car start driving away, notice the gas gauge is down an 1/8th thank. My car is horrible on gas how it is but i couldn't understand how a quick drive burned 1/8th tank. I then noticed my boost controller that i made triple sure was set to low boost like i always do when giving it a shop was turned on high. Thats when i started getting upset. Then i find my second gear is grinding. Now i know they were baggin the hell out of it and missed a shift somewhere.
So i'm thinking of approaching the shop and tearing a strip out of them come tuesday.
Now one buddy suggested i stop payment on my credit card and go deal with them. I'm thinking of just going and dealing with them and see what they are willing to do about it.
What you guys think?