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Another Shop Joy-Riding in a Skyline!!

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  • #46
    point of it is he said he would give me money for the tranny rebuild, i just got a quote to have it done. I didn't say how much it should be. Thats what i was told. And like it was said previously for how much crap i have gone through for him to come out and tell me to fly a kite, shows you what kind of guy he really is and what kind of business he runs. If i were smart i would have got it in writing. That was a real chicken shi t move on his part. You say your going to do something do it. But from how things started out with this shop i should have known better. He tries to defend himself but he just comes up with more and more reasons to knock him.

    Oh well he thinks he has won but i'm sure when i'm done it'll cost him one hell of a lot more than 1400 bucks


    • #47
      PM me when this goes sour. I'll help you out with informing people and shunning this shop efficiently.

      Good luck with the process.


      • #48
        Originally posted by starboy869 View Post
        i see this as some broke skyline owner looking for a payday. quote for $1400 for a transmission rebuild and your planning to do it yourself? sorry for being a **** but that's how i see it.

        If the shop reads this.... from his other posts on the thread he basically says he doesn't have any facts to back himself up in court.
        So if you had a chance to get some money you wouldn't??? BS
        If a shop would **** with your car, tell me you wouldn't want some compensation.
        Get off your high horse of honesty and pride cuz you're most likely riding a bull.

        Good luck Brian!! Don't worry, Karma's a bitch... She'll get him someday!
        03 lancer dead
        68 gmc w/355 cid rice killer
        05 chevy silverado L33
        2010 crv Wife's ride
        1987 Harley Softail custom


        • #49
          I've always been a big fan of parking a 100$ beater in front of the shop, with "this shop went joyriding in my car and screwed it up" witten on it idea.


          • #50
            haha all great ideas, I'll pm your right now M13, and yes just cuz money isn't my goal here doesn't mean i wouldn't take every cent possible.


            • #51
              Originally posted by starboy869 View Post
              i see this as some broke skyline owner looking for a payday. quote for $1400 for a transmission rebuild and your planning to do it yourself? sorry for being a **** but that's how i see it.

              If the shop reads this.... from his other posts on the thread he basically says he doesn't have any facts to back himself up in court.
              how about you just keep quiet... your a RHD hater anyways, hell you're prolly the person who talk to said shop...

              do you even belong here?
              How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to screw in a light bulb?

              Wanna go ride bikes...

              R.I.P \'87 4cyl Rustang
              \'03 Dodge SX2.0
              \'90 GTR32


              • #52
                what a bunch of twats eh, if i didnt get **** out of them that managed would have sore joints everytime it rains
                Proud owner of the 2nd Skyline and the only GTR on the island!

                Boost@14PSI, YellowJacket Coils, Extreme TSC, Full Nismo N1 Bodykit, Greddy Speed Cut Controller, HKS Turbo Timer, 280LPH Denso Fuel Pump, Nismo Slave Cylinder, AMS BOVs, Nismo Clutch Pivot, ACT Xtreme 6 Puck and HDPP, Greddy Panel Filter


                • #53
                  sucks for you, do youre own alignment. ive done hundreds. if you cant figure out suspension parts, they must be retarded. anyway. the reason your battery died is becuase they had the brake pedal depressor in. brake lights, all 4, will draw quite a bit. actually i drained a battery today, doing that exact thing. what i suggest you do, is plant a video camera. and tell them to re do the alignment. do it. do it.


                  • #54
                    haha four break lights on or not i've never seen anyone kill an optima in under 6 hours before. Last thing i'm doing is giving them my car again i can assure you of that


                    • #55
                      i didnt even think it was possible to actually kill an optima... arent they supposed to go into some kind of safe mode if power gets to low
                      How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to screw in a light bulb?

                      Wanna go ride bikes...

                      R.I.P \'87 4cyl Rustang
                      \'03 Dodge SX2.0
                      \'90 GTR32


                      • #56
                        maybe he left the key on, even then, i see what you mean.

                        hey, you could get some serious **** on them with a video. even give them a different car of yours. a piece of crap. but, the key, is to do something, so that if they press the gas all the way(or something of the kind), somewill will pop off, or break, or shut the car off. so you'll know they have been going too hard.

                        also, i drive customer vehicles before and after the alignment. of course, my route is less than one kilometer. i want to see what the car is doing. confirm customer complaint. Any pulls? is the steering wheel straight? Are there any noises? but thats just me. some people dont do it right. so dont be surprised if theres a few km on it. calculate it maybe.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Bugsly17 View Post
                          maybe he left the key on, even then, i see what you mean.

                          hey, you could get some serious **** on them with a video. even give them a different car of yours. a piece of crap. but, the key, is to do something, so that if they press the gas all the way(or something of the kind), somewill will pop off, or break, or shut the car off. so you'll know they have been going too hard.

                          also, i drive customer vehicles before and after the alignment. of course, my route is less than one kilometer. i want to see what the car is doing. confirm customer complaint. Any pulls? is the steering wheel straight? Are there any noises? but thats just me. some people dont do it right. so dont be surprised if theres a few km on it. calculate it maybe.
                          Ya i was thinking of that but it would be nice to bring them another fast car then we would know for sure. Another thing i was told is leave a voice recorder in the car so you can hear the motor reving etc.

                          Ya a couple KM would have been no big deal but between 25-30 and an 1/8th tank of gas is a bit excessive. If anything gives it away its the fuel. I know what it takes to burn through that much and its not pretty.


                          • #58
                            damn dood 25-30 km drive is like richmond to surrey!
                            Toy: BNR32
                            DD: R50


                            • #59
                              any news on the situation
                              I love the thing and its worth it every time I start it. As soon as it stops make me smile ill get rid of it (not gonna happen)
                              ....R33 GTS25T


                              • #60
                                Holy SHI*! First time I'm reading this and i'm furious!

                                First things first, RHDSkyline I'm sorry to hear that you are happy about his misfortunes. It's nice that you can have someone close to you do it for you, but not everyone has the luxury of this.

                                Secondly to the sponsor that openly told this a-hole that wrecked brians car about this how about " F....U" I must ask why!

                                Thirdly If this company happens to read this which i'm sure they will then heres something for you........ If you can't hold your temptations and respects someones project/piece of art then dont be in business! A-holes like your shop deserve to get sued for every cent and go bankrupt!!!!!!!! I'm extremely disgusted that not only you took his car out for a joy ride but you then broke it and decided it was to expensive to you. Once you break it it should no longer be your decision whether or not you replace smart guy!

                                Now last and definately not least, brian I and very sad to hear about this man. I know you have put alot of hard time and effort into your car and for someone to just kick the sh** out of it and wont fix it, thats not cool man. I hope that everything gets resolved and that you itleast come out with it back to the way it was before. Brian if there is anyway I am able to help you in this situation you feel free to let me know. I'm happy to see that you were able to keep your cool and deal with things in a professional manner as people like myself do not have the time nor the patience to deal with ash-holes like this guy! Brian i wish you the best buddy, send me a pm with your progress man!
                                Miss driving sooooo bad! Need to get a car on the road ASAP!

