point of it is he said he would give me money for the tranny rebuild, i just got a quote to have it done. I didn't say how much it should be. Thats what i was told. And like it was said previously for how much crap i have gone through for him to come out and tell me to fly a kite, shows you what kind of guy he really is and what kind of business he runs. If i were smart i would have got it in writing. That was a real chicken shi t move on his part. You say your going to do something do it. But from how things started out with this shop i should have known better. He tries to defend himself but he just comes up with more and more reasons to knock him.
Oh well he thinks he has won but i'm sure when i'm done it'll cost him one hell of a lot more than 1400 bucks
Oh well he thinks he has won but i'm sure when i'm done it'll cost him one hell of a lot more than 1400 bucks