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Why do we do what we do

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  • Why do we do what we do

    Today I had a conversation with some older people (late 40's). We got talking about why car enthusiasts do what we do. Why do we all want the big power, nice paint jobs, endless nights of driving your car, and more endless nights doing research on them as well. Whats your guys answers to "Why do we do what we do"

  • #2
    something to do more less. just a hobby for now but who knows..i might become an addict lol
    - Adam



    • #3
      because i like it


      • #4
        The experiences, the conversations, the groups of people, the endless comments on our cars, our passion for the same interest we share, and most of all the drives with windows down hitting full boost and listening to the sweetest rumble our cars make

        Who doesn't want that?

        And of course when kids come up to you in the parking lot and say that's my favorite car to drive in Gran Turismo!!
        gtr garage queen...anybody seen my wallet?


        • #5
          its not just something we do. its a life style. the people you hang out with and associate with all revolve around the car world. its something you not only dedicated your money too but your time as well. the answer simply for me is because its something i love doing
          1991 Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R: 710whp 521 ft/lbs 27.5psi 11.8 @126mph low boost


          • #6
            Quit smoking 4 years ago, no more bars/partying, minimal drinking. Had nothing to show for what I spent. I spend that 10% of my income on my car now. So really, it's a simple money pit to have something to show for my wasted cash lol. Spending the money is the easy part. Installing the parts is the hard work but there are no good shops around here to do the work for me. I'm sometimes greedy so I try to do my own work but I save more money if I work OT and hire the work out, other wise I end up biting off more than I can chew. Had I known my lump would be gone 13 months, I would have done it myself

            Vacations are my big thing, I try to leave the country a few times a year, few weeks at a time but now that the wife is pregnant....
            Last edited by NismoS-tune; 02-20-2011, 07:08 PM.
            Black 1991 GTR. Serious garage stand mantle/parts car.
            Black 1990 Pulsar GTiR. Sold
            Silver 1989 GTR. Sold
            Black 2010 Subaru WRX. Weekend warrior. Sold.
            Black 2013 F-150 FX4 ecoboost. Daily driver.
            White 2012 Ford Explorer Limited. Family wagon.

            Sorry for my offensive comments, I r socially retard.

            start by having A ROLLING GTR then we talk u ******* mofo funzy little *****


            • #7
              I do it to learn personally... I'm a physicist by education, but now I'm a mechanic (and worked as one too already last summer!) because of what I've been able to learn from my hobby.... the day I stop learning something new about my hobby is the day I sell my car.

              did the same thing with fire-fighting / paramedic (which I did for 4 yrs).... gotta learn, thats my addiction. and oddly enough, the more I learn about various things, the more I realize how little I actually know! its a vicious circle lol
              The SkyLife Community & News Website -->


              • #8
                All the exact replys i was hoping for and expecting from the boys. Big boost til death


                • #9
                  Besides being something I overall enjoy, I feel that people like cars/ communities like we have here on GTRC, because it provides a belongingness...I used to play lots of sports which was my source of camaraderie, but now Im into cars and more specifically skylines which has allowed me to meet lots of new people and develop better friends than I did playing sports!
                  Originally posted by Paradis
                  ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


                  • #10
                    As Ricky Bobby once said "I wanna go fast"


                    • #11
                      Easy answer..... Hands down it all comes down to passion and pure love fo cars. I work at a grocery store and make a shitt wage. Every penny that isn't spent on living expenses (ie. Rent) goes right to the car. If I want something bad enough for my car I always manage to find a way to afford it. I was raised with old muscle cars but the jdm greatness is now running through my blood and will be my growing addiction for the rest of my days!
                      Miss driving sooooo bad! Need to get a car on the road ASAP!


                      • #12
                        Cars were always my hobby, but got bored of seeing everyone doing the same thing until I started working on JDM's. Repairing the family 240sx after years of driving it since new, sent me off on a tangent of modifications. I became interested in mechanics and racing once more and getting involved in the show scene with my wife and daughter. Years of being in shows and helping others acquire JDM cars got me into doing another car, so once again I am almost complete after another 2 years of hoarding parts to settle down with my last project. It seems the money is always found to get the things together, the time is the problem that seems to slip away as you get older. This being my final project due to age I am over building to last longest so I can spend more time driving and hopefully touring a bit with my wife. The fun of meeting others on the road and at shows and helping others get their dreams have always been my joy.
                        Paul U.


                        • #13
                          I agree with all that has been said, but for me I have to had a couple of things.

                          I just love driving, I could hope in the car right now and drive 3000 km stop at an intersection and look at my girlfriend
                          (who would probably ask me, where the hell are we), and ask her right or left. lol

                          Also I'm might not look like it, but it take's a lot and I mean a LOT to get my adrenaline pumping. I had an accident in the
                          army a while back, and last thing I said before being knock uncontious was "where going to die", but in a really slow tired
                          way. Forget big roller coaster's, buggy jumping, even sky diving, doesn't get my heart pumping at all. But when I get behind
                          the wheel and just feel the G's, there just something that make's me smile, and feel alive. Don't get me wrong there's a
                          place and time for it. Maybe one day, I'll get to do it for a job, right now I'm just hoping to get something ready for summer.

                          I really need to build myself something fun for the winter, until then, I HATE WINTER.
                          14 VW Jetta TDI
                          05 Sentra SpecV - winter beater -
                          95 240sx (RB25DET powered)
                          95 240sx ( powered)
                          89 GTR - Money Pit -


                          • #14
                            +1 on the just loving to thing to do at night time when your bored in the summer is hop in the car and go for a cruise!
                            Originally posted by Paradis
                            ^^ hows not being rich going? ...haters be hatin


                            • #15
                              to show the civic corolla and accord owners there are other opions out there and untill you experience everything available to us as humans you havent lived

