Totally different powerband to a bigblock V8. RB26 when modded to 600hp has a similar peak hp to a bigblock V8, but mid and low are nothing like a lightly modded bigblock V8. The peak hp feeling on RB26 you get on a bigblock V8 throughout powerband. That's normal for a straight 6 engine that takes more revs to get going. The good part is the lack of wheelspin on semislicks with GTR racecar (it puts the hp to the ground). I can say it's enough to make me shake when getting out of GTR racecar.
This would give you and idea of how fun a GTR can be when has enough hp (running on slicks) -
It's not uncommon for a GTR with that amount of awhp to be running a 10sec 1/4 mile. Might dip into high 9's with good driver.
This would give you and idea of how fun a GTR can be when has enough hp (running on slicks) -
It's not uncommon for a GTR with that amount of awhp to be running a 10sec 1/4 mile. Might dip into high 9's with good driver.