not having a "right hand drive vehicle" sticker. i know we're supposed to, however someone told me since our front corners protrude from the body we can get by without having one?
anyways, funny little story about this. i leave work and 3 minutes later i pull up behind a police car, he merges into a different lane so he can drive beside me, then slowed down, i instantly knew i was getting pulled over. after driving through a set of lights he puts on his siren and lights and asks me if i knew why i had been pulled over.
i told him no, i was doing the limit, did nothing wrong. he then told me i didnt have a sticker (thought he ment my renewal sticker so i freaked for a second) then told me he meant the RHD Sticker.
i literally laughed in his face (not on purpose) and asked if he was joking, he said the reason is so people dont get freaked out and call the cops asking them if its legal or not.. what does a sticker have to do with preventing that? absolutely nothing.
then i asked him where i could get one, how big it had to be, where it had to be placed, and how long i had to get one. his answer was:
"i dont know"
to each of my questions. how can you enforce law if you dont even know it. stupid cop. he was nice enough not to give me a ticket, but dont waste my time if you cant even explain to me what i need to do to prevent future ticketing.
in all honesty i think the sticker deal is complete ********. anyone else get pulled over for similar reasons? or have ignorant cop stories? haha
anyways, funny little story about this. i leave work and 3 minutes later i pull up behind a police car, he merges into a different lane so he can drive beside me, then slowed down, i instantly knew i was getting pulled over. after driving through a set of lights he puts on his siren and lights and asks me if i knew why i had been pulled over.
i told him no, i was doing the limit, did nothing wrong. he then told me i didnt have a sticker (thought he ment my renewal sticker so i freaked for a second) then told me he meant the RHD Sticker.
i literally laughed in his face (not on purpose) and asked if he was joking, he said the reason is so people dont get freaked out and call the cops asking them if its legal or not.. what does a sticker have to do with preventing that? absolutely nothing.
then i asked him where i could get one, how big it had to be, where it had to be placed, and how long i had to get one. his answer was:
"i dont know"
to each of my questions. how can you enforce law if you dont even know it. stupid cop. he was nice enough not to give me a ticket, but dont waste my time if you cant even explain to me what i need to do to prevent future ticketing.
in all honesty i think the sticker deal is complete ********. anyone else get pulled over for similar reasons? or have ignorant cop stories? haha