ok so heres the story its kinda long.......
so im driving to my buddies house last night at like 1:30 and i get pulled over by Cop #1 at a rotary, he sits behind me for about 35 seconds running my plates, as he is running my plates cop #2 and cop #3 (k-9 unit) roll up lights on... i guess they wanted in on seeing the skyline since im the only one around the boston, cape cod area... cop #1 says license and reg, i say i forgot my wallet dont have my license on me he says u can be arrested for that yada yada yada... he says "alright im gunna be honest with you, your down here for 2 more weeks and youve been pissing some of the officers off so im going to let you off and drive like a grand ma for the next 2 weeks" i say thanks and decide ok im going to smarten up (just got the car out of storage and have been a little throttle happy
...... during the whole time that cop#1 is talking to me cop #2 is argueing with Co3 #3 (k-9) about how its a sick car and stuff about it like twin turbo etc all the usual skyline questions, so i get the warning cop says ok have a good night drive safe... i start to pull out, literally 100 feet later not even out of 1st gear cop #3 (k-9) pulls me over, gets out says license and reg, im like i just told the other officer i dont have my license on me, he badgers me about why i dont and says "unlike the other officer im taking this personally, you passed me the other day on a double solid and i wasnt in my cruiser, so im going to cite you, he comes back with 3 tickets, too loud exhaust (hks superdragger) not having my license on me, and 48 in a 30??? the first two are whatever but he never clocked me doing that speed it was cop #1 and it was a 35 not a 30, secondly he had no reason to pull me over the second time i did not commit any offense other than the one i had already been talked to about like 50 feet earlier, i think that the guy was just being a **** because i go back to canada in 2 weeks and he doesnt think that i will fight it, so my question is legally where do i sit here, can i fight that he had no right to pull me over... any ideas what i should do? i only live like 8 hours from here, the ticket is 185$ but i will come down here just to spite the guy if i have any chance in getting out of it... anyone know my rights here? like can he pull me over if another cop clocked me not him and he made a mistake on the ticket...
if you read all that thanks i appreciate it... let me know what you think or what you would do, oppinions welcome and yes, i know its my fault for driving like a fvck before last night
so im driving to my buddies house last night at like 1:30 and i get pulled over by Cop #1 at a rotary, he sits behind me for about 35 seconds running my plates, as he is running my plates cop #2 and cop #3 (k-9 unit) roll up lights on... i guess they wanted in on seeing the skyline since im the only one around the boston, cape cod area... cop #1 says license and reg, i say i forgot my wallet dont have my license on me he says u can be arrested for that yada yada yada... he says "alright im gunna be honest with you, your down here for 2 more weeks and youve been pissing some of the officers off so im going to let you off and drive like a grand ma for the next 2 weeks" i say thanks and decide ok im going to smarten up (just got the car out of storage and have been a little throttle happy

if you read all that thanks i appreciate it... let me know what you think or what you would do, oppinions welcome and yes, i know its my fault for driving like a fvck before last night