I was dueling it out with the Rabbit from Hell.

This Rabbit is no joke. 2000lbs and 320 all wheel hp. You read that right, AWD.
We were matched for speed, but in the corners he was faster. His tires had more grip(A048's). I led for most of the time, but had to eventually let him bye as he was all over me (passing not allowed). He got a little ways from me, but I picked up the pace and started reeling him in, but the section ended before I could put the heat on.
What a blast.

This Rabbit is no joke. 2000lbs and 320 all wheel hp. You read that right, AWD.
We were matched for speed, but in the corners he was faster. His tires had more grip(A048's). I led for most of the time, but had to eventually let him bye as he was all over me (passing not allowed). He got a little ways from me, but I picked up the pace and started reeling him in, but the section ended before I could put the heat on.
What a blast.
