Originally posted by doc
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Originally posted by JZ
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Regarind the size, I'll post up the dimension tomorrow. With my first hand experience, they fit like the authentic seats. Uses the same rails as well. To be honest, It's really hard to define fat friendly. I have the B1 and they fit me pretty comfortable. I am 5'8" and 145Ib. It's not tight as all. My friend is 5'10" and 200Ib. He like the B1 as well but he fits pretty snug.
The other 2 fixed bucket are just with higher thigh bolster and head protection. If you want daily seat, the B5 is your best bet for something who is bigger and looking for a buck seats.
Rail - No i don't have them at this moment. Brides are expensive but you can get nagisa or other brand. It's more budget friendly.